Re: Iterpolation and Dates
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg78416] Re: Iterpolation and Dates
- From: David Reiss <dbreiss at>
- Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2007 03:45:51 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <f65a1c$92e$>
Change the dates to AbsoluteTimes (M 6) In[5]:= Table[{Pause[0.1]; Date[], i^2.1}, {i, 10}] (M 6) Out[5]= {{{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 19.904332}, 1}, {{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 20.004832}, 4.2870938501451725}, {{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 20.105421}, 10.04510856630514}, {{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 20.205931}, 18.37917367995256}, {{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 20.306481}, 29.36547357720048}, {{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 20.407055}, 43.06432315864736}, {{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 20.507556}, 59.52588815791429}, {{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 20.608099}, 78.79324245407466}, {{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 20.708577}, 100.90420610885693}, {{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 20.809262}, 125.89254117941675}} Herearesomedatesandsomedata: (M 6) In[7]:= dateData = {{{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 19.904332`8.051522590987842}, 1}, {{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 20.004832`8.05370989224274}, 4.2870938501451725}, {{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 20.105421`8.055888155203142}, 10.04510856630514}, {{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 20.205931`8.058053849314923}, 18.37917367995256}, {{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 20.306481`8.060209652816468}, 29.36547357720048}, {{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 20.407055`8.062355318674143}, 43.06432315864736}, {{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 20.507556`8.064488889857818}, 59.52588815791429}, {{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 20.608099`8.066612915712756}, 78.79324245407466}, {{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 20.708577`8.068725240865835}, 100.90420610885693}, {{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 20.809262`8.070831661945784}, 125.89254117941675}} (M 6) Out[7]= {{{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 19.904332}, 1}, {{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 20.004832}, 4.2870938501451725}, {{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 20.105421}, 10.04510856630514}, {{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 20.205931}, 18.37917367995256}, {{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 20.306481}, 29.36547357720048}, {{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 20.407055}, 43.06432315864736}, {{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 20.507556}, 59.52588815791429}, {{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 20.608099}, 78.79324245407466}, {{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 20.708577}, 100.90420610885693}, {{2007, 6, 30, 10, 56, 20.809262}, 125.89254117941675}} Change the dates to AbsoluteTimes (M 6) In[6]:= AbsoluteTime[Date[]] (M 6) Out[6]= 3.392189805215516\[CenterDot]10^9 (M 6) In[9]:= absoluteDateData = ({AbsoluteTime[#1[[1]]], #1[[2]]} & \ ) /@ dateData (M 6) Out[9]= {{3.392189779904332\[CenterDot]10^9, 1}, {3.392189780004832\[CenterDot]10^9, 4.2870938501451725}, {3.392189780105421\[CenterDot]10^9, 10.04510856630514}, {3.392189780205931\[CenterDot]10^9, 18.37917367995256}, {3.392189780306481\[CenterDot]10^9, 29.36547357720048}, {3.392189780407055\[CenterDot]10^9, 43.06432315864736}, {3.392189780507556\[CenterDot]10^9, 59.52588815791429}, {3.392189780608099\[CenterDot]10^9, 78.79324245407466}, {3.392189780708577\[CenterDot]10^9, 100.90420610885693}, {3.392189780809262\[CenterDot]10^9, 125.89254117941675}} Now you can interpolate the result (M 6) In[11]:= interpolatedAbsoluteDateData = Interpolation[absoluteDateData] (M 6) Out[11]= \!\(\* TagBox[ RowBox[{"InterpolatingFunction", "[", "]"}], False, Editable->False]\) Hereisaplot: (M 6) In[19]:= Plot[ interpolatedAbsoluteDateData[x], {x, First[absoluteDateData][[1]], Last[absoluteDateData][[1]]}] I hope this helps... --David A WorkLife FrameWork Now compatible with Mathematica 6 On Jun 30, 6:07 am, "Flurchick, Kenneth M" <FLURCHI... at> wrote: > Hello All, > Can one geterate an Interpolation if the x coordinates are Dates? > If so, can you suggest how. > kenf