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Re: Re: Mathematica code for survival functions

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg78433] Re: [mg78316] Re: [mg78212] Mathematica code for survival functions
  • From: DrMajorBob <drmajorbob at>
  • Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2007 07:48:23 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <> <3327004.1183023178098.JavaMail.root@m35>
  • Reply-to: drmajorbob at

In the absence of censoring (removing patients from a study), we should 

deaths = Most@survivors - Rest@survivors

padded with a 0 to give deaths and survivors the same length.

Darren's example obviously was censored, since that relationship doesn't

His code confused me, so I did a test to determine what it was doing.  
(Maybe this will be of help to others; maybe not!)

\[Piecewise]1	0<=x<t[1]
(-d[1]+s[1])/s[1]	t[1]<=x<t[2]
((-d[1]+s[1]) (-d[2]+s[2]))/(s[1] s[2])	t[2]<=x<t[3]
((-d[1]+s[1]) (-d[2]+s[2]) (-d[3]+s[3]))/(s[1] s[2] s[3])	t[3]<=x<t[4]
((-d[1]+s[1]) (-d[2]+s[2]) (-d[3]+s[3]) (-d[4]+s[4]))/(s[1] s[2] s[3]  
s[4])	t[4]<=x<t[5]
((-d[1]+s[1]) (-d[2]+s[2]) (-d[3]+s[3]) (-d[4]+s[4]) (-d[5]+s[5]))/(s[1] 
s[2] s[3] s[4] s[5])	t[5]<=x<\[Infinity]

Uncensored, the result is much simpler:

Clear[t, s, d]
times = Array[t, 5];
atRisk = Array[s, 5];
deaths = Array[d, 5];
KMFit[times, atRisk, deaths, x] //. {d[k_] :> s[k] - s[k + 1],
   s[6] -> s[5]}

\[Piecewise] {
   {1, 0 <= x < t[1]},
   {s[2]/s[1], t[1] <= x < t[2]},
   {s[3]/s[1], t[2] <= x < t[3]},
   {s[4]/s[1], t[3] <= x < t[4]},
   {s[5]/s[1], t[4] <= x < t[5] || t[5] <= x < \[Infinity]}




\[Piecewise]1	0<=x<t[1]
s[2]/s[1]	t[1]<=x<t[2]
s[3]/s[1]	t[2]<=x<t[3]
s[4]/s[1]	t[3]<=x<t[4]
s[5]/s[1]	t[4]<=x<t[5]||t[5]<=x<\[Infinity]

Here's a code that, to me, seems less confusing. (Probably because I wrote  

kmFit[t_, s_, d_, x_] := With[{times = Join[{0}, t, {Infinity}]},
    Transpose@{FoldList[Times, 1, (s - d)/s],
      LessEqual @@@
       Transpose@{Most@times, ConstantArray[x, Length@times - 1],

And the following is more efficient, as it doesn't reassemble the parts of  
Piecewise every time x changes.

kmFit[t_, s_, d_] :=
  kmFit[t, s, d] =
   Function[x, Evaluate@With[{times = Join[{0}, t, {Infinity}]},
       Transpose@{FoldList[Times, 1, (s - d)/s],
         LessEqual @@@
          Transpose@{Most@times, ConstantArray[x, Length@times - 1],

Function[x$,\[Piecewise]1	0<=x$<=t[1]
s[2]/s[1]	t[1]<=x$<=t[2]
s[3]/s[1]	t[2]<=x$<=t[3]
s[4]/s[1]	t[3]<=x$<=t[4]
s[5]/s[1]	t[4]<=x$<=t[5]||t[5]<=x$<=\[Infinity]


I'm not sure how best to get rid of that redundant Or in the last piece.


On Thu, 28 Jun 2007 03:24:38 -0500, Darren Glosemeyer  
<darreng at> wrote:

> Coleman, Mark wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> Is anyone on MathGroup aware of Mathematica code that generates either
>> Kaplan-Meier survival curves or life-table survival curves? Thanks.
>> Best regards,
>> Mark
> Here is a function that will give the Kaplan Meier fit as a Piecewise
> function. The first three arguments are lists of equal length for the
> times, survivor counts, and death counts. Your data may require some
> processing to get it into that form.
> In[1]:= KMFit[times_, survivors_, deaths_, var_] := Piecewise[
>           MapThread[{#1, #2 <= var < #3} &,
>            {Join[{1}, With[{list = (survivors - deaths)/survivors},
>               FoldList[Times, First[list], Drop[list, 1]]]], Join[{0},
> times],
>              Join[times, {Infinity}]}]]
> Here is an example based on data from Table 1.4 in The Statistical
> Analysis of Failure Time Data by Kalbfleisch and Prentice.
> In[2]:= t = {143, 164, 188, 190, 192, 206, 209, 213, 216, 220, 227, 230,
> 234,
>            246, 265, 304};
> In[3]:= s = {19, 18, 17, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 8, 7, 6, 5, 3, 2, 1};
> In[4]:= d = {1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
> In[5]:= KMFit[t, s, d, x]
>                                        18                    17
> Out[5]= Piecewise[{{1, 0 <= x < 143}, {--, 143 <= x < 164}, {--, 164 <=
> x < 188},
>                                        19                    19
>       15                    14                    13
>  >     {--, 188 <= x < 190}, {--, 190 <= x < 192}, {--, 192 <= x < 206},
>        19                    19                    19
>       12                    11                    10
>  >     {--, 206 <= x < 209}, {--, 209 <= x < 213}, {--, 213 <= x < 216},
>        19                    19                    19
>       9                     63                     27
>  >     {--, 216 <= x < 220}, {---, 220 <= x < 227}, {--, 227 <= x < 230},
>        19                    152                    76
>       45                     9                     3
>  >     {---, 230 <= x < 234}, {--, 234 <= x < 246}, {--, 246 <= x < 265},
>        152                    38                    19
>       3
>  >     {--, 265 <= x < 304}}]
>        38
> Darren Glosemeyer
> Wolfram Research


DrMajorBob at

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