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Re: Coloring 3D-surfaces

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg78427] Re: Coloring 3D-surfaces
  • From: "David Park" <djmpark at>
  • Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2007 07:45:18 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <f65aem$9cc$>

With the forthcoming DrawGraphics you can do it this way:


 {ParametricDraw3D[{r Cos[t], r Sin[t], 2 r}, {r, 0, 3}, {t, -Pi, Pi},
    ColorFunction -> ColorData["BrassTones"],
   Mesh -> None],
  ParametricDraw3D[{r Cos[t], r Sin[t], 6}, {r, 0, 3}, {t, -Pi, Pi},
   ColorFunction -> ColorData["FuchsiaTones"],
   Mesh -> None]},
 NeutralLighting[0.3, 0.6, 0.0],
 Boxed -> False

You can also do it with Show except that it behaves a little strangely.

 {ParametricPlot3D[{r Cos[t], r Sin[t], 2 r}, {r, 0, 3}, {t, -Pi, Pi},
    ColorFunction -> ColorData["BrassTones"],
   Mesh -> None,
   Axes -> False],
  ParametricPlot3D[{r Cos[t], r Sin[t], 6}, {r, 0, 3}, {t, -Pi, Pi},
   ColorFunction -> ColorData["FuchsiaTones"],
   Mesh -> None]},
 Boxed -> False

Mathematica picks up overall options from the first plot and since that has 
Axes -> True it would draw axes unless we set it to False. With DrawGraphics 
overall plot options are thrown away in the Draw statements and supplied 
specifically by the user for the overall plot. Similarly, when a 
ColorFunction is given Mathematica imposes White lights. DrawGraphics gives 
a little easier control of the lighting.

David Park
djmpark at

"Richard KAUSCH" <rkausch at> wrote in message 
news:f65aem$9cc$1 at
> Hello
> I would color differently a conic surface and the disk which closes it.
> I can do it easily with named colors as follows:
> ParametricPlot[{{r Cos[t],r Sin[t], 2 r},{r Cos[t],r Sin[t},6}},{r,
> 0,3},{t,-Pi,Pi},
> Axes->None,Mesh->False,Boxed->False,
> PlotStyle->{Red,Green}].
> It is easy too to have the whole plot coloured with one unique
> ColorData directive, say,BrassTones:
> ParametricPlot[{{r Cos[t],r Sin[t], 2 r},{r Cos[t],r Sin[t},6}},{r,
> 0,3},{t,-Pi,Pi},ColorFunction->(ColorData["BrassTones"][#1]&),
> Axes->None,Mesh->False,Boxed->False,]
> But how can one manage to colour the cone with BrassTones and the disk
> with,say,FuchsiaTones or the cone with BrassTones and the disk with
> Red ?
> All trials I made were unsuccessful. Can somebody help me ? Thanks.

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