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Re: Working with factors of triangular numbers.

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg78571] Re: [mg78490] Working with factors of triangular numbers.
  • From: DrMajorBob <drmajorbob at>
  • Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 05:42:04 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <29834672.1183456615563.JavaMail.root@m35>
  • Reply-to: drmajorbob at

I think this does what you want (if I understand you correctly):

Clear[maxFactors, find, found]
found[1] = 1;
found[_] = Infinity;
maxFactors[n_Integer?Positive] :=
  Total@PartitionsQ@FactorInteger[n][[All, -1]]
find[1] = {1};
find[n_Integer?Positive] := Module[{i, k, this},
   i = 3;
   While[(this = maxFactors[k = Binomial[i, 2] - 1]) <= n,
    found[this] = Min[k + 1, found[this]];
   Most[Last /@ DownValues@found]


{1.625, {1, 15, 55, 561, 1081, 8001, 29161, 131841, 293761, 525825,
   4723201, 2094081, 8382465, 169896961, 75515905, 411084801, 33542145,
    33566721, 134193153, 134242305}}

After that, "found" has stored the results:

found /@ Range[20]

{1, 15, 55, 561, 1081, 8001, 29161, 131841, 293761, 525825, 4723201, \
2094081, 8382465, 169896961, 75515905, 411084801, 33542145, 33566721, \
134193153, 134242305}

That code starts with i = 3 all over again for each find[n], so I tried to  
optimize that away:

Clear[maxFactors, find, found]
found[1] = 1;
found[_] = Infinity;
maxFound := DownValues[found][[-2, 1, 1]]
maxFactors[n_Integer?Positive] :=
  Total@PartitionsQ@FactorInteger[n][[All, -1]]
find[1] = {1};
find[n_Integer?Positive] := Module[{i, k, this},
   i = Max[3, 1 + 1/2 (1 + Sqrt[1 + 8 maxFound])];
   While[found[n] ==
      Infinity && (this = maxFactors[k = Binomial[i, 2] - 1]) <= n,
    found[this] = Min[k + 1, found[this]];
   found /@ Range[n]


{0.844, {1, 15, 55, 561, 1081, 8001, 29161, 131841, 293761, 525825,
   4723201, 2094081, 8382465, \[Infinity], 75515905, \[Infinity],
   33542145, 33566721, 134193153, 134242305}}

found /@ Range[20]

{1, 15, 55, 561, 1081, 8001, 29161, 131841, 293761, 525825, 4723201, \
2094081, 8382465, \[Infinity], 75515905, \[Infinity], 33542145, \
33566721, 134193153, 134242305}


{0., {1, 15, 55, 561, 1081, 8001, 29161, 131841, 293761, 525825,
   4723201, 2094081, 8382465, \[Infinity], 75515905, \[Infinity],
   33542145, 33566721, 134193153, 134242305}}

It runs faster -- MUCH faster on a second invocation -- but notice, it  
didn't find some of the values.

Why? Well, that's because I thought the sequence would be monotone... and  
it's not.

After running again the one that works:

found[14] < found[15]



On Tue, 03 Jul 2007 04:23:30 -0500, Diana <diana.mecum at> wrote:

> Math folks,
> I first generate a list of triangular numbers:
> 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, ...
> and then subtract one from each as:
> 0, 2, 5, 9, 14, 20, ...
> I am trying to find the smallest triangular number (minus one) which
> can be written as a product of "n" distinct factors, each factor > 1.
> For example:
> a(2) = 15, because 2*7 + 1 = 15.
> a(3) = 55, because 2*3*9 + 1 = 55.
> I have worked with Divisors and FactorInteger, but am getting bogged
> down with repeated terms. Can someone think of a neat trick to work
> this problem?
> Diana M.


DrMajorBob at

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