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Re: Compiled function changes somehow.

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg78587] Re: [mg78568] Compiled function changes somehow.
  • From: Carl Woll <carlw at>
  • Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2007 03:55:10 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <>

Nacho wrote:

>I have been playing with Compile to accelerate some simple code and I
>have found some differences that I cannot explain.
>The standard/compiled code is as follows:
>standard[max_] :=
>  Table[n/m, {n, 1, max}, {m, 1, max}] // N // Flatten;
>compiled =
>  Compile[{{max, _Integer}},
>   Table[n/m, {n, 1, max}, {m, 1, max}] // N // Flatten];
>So I can do the same calculations with both codes:
>In[19]:= standardresult = standard[1000]; // Timing
>Out[19]= {2.969, Null}
>In[20]:= compiledresult = compiled[1000]; // Timing
>Out[20]= {0.422, Null}
>The second is much faster, as expected. But are the results the same?
>Apparently, yes:
>In[21]:= standardresult == compiledresult
>Out[21]= True
>In[22]:= standardresult === compiledresult
>Out[22]= True
>But when I use Union in the lists to count the number of different
>elements, I have this surprise:
>Out[23]= 608383
>Out[24]= 634815
>So they are not exactly the same...  I think that the correct answer
>comes from the uncompiled version. It is the same if I remove the //N
>so it can be compared symbolically.
>Is this behaviour expected? Am I missing something?
>Both seem to be Machine Precision, but obviously there are some little
>differences. This happens with V5.2 and V6.0.
>Any hint?
>Thank you.
The difference is that Compile is converting your integers to reals and 
then computing the fractions (this means that the //N is unnecessary in 
your Compile code).

One way to see what is going on is to define the following function:

nstandard[max_] := Table[N[n]/N[m], {n, max}, {m, max}] // Flatten

which is essentially what Compile does (Compile does not handle 
rationals). Then,

In[174]:= nstandard[1000] // Union // Length

Out[174]= 634815

which is the same result as given by your compiled function, and

In[175]:= compiled[1000] === nstandard[1000]

Out[175]= True

Carl Woll
Wolfram Research

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