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Re: Re: Working with factors of triangular numbers.

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg78807] Re: [mg78766] Re: [mg78490] Working with factors of triangular numbers.
  • From: Carl Woll <carlw at>
  • Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 06:28:09 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>

Andrzej and Diana,

Here is a faster algorithm. First, an outline:

For a given number, the easy first step in writing  it as a 
factorization of the most distinct factors is to use each prime as a 
factor. Then, the hard part is to take the remaining factors and 
partition them in a way to get the most distinct factors. However, note 
that this step only depends on the counts of each prime factor, and not 
on the values of the primes themselves. Hence, we can memoize the number 
of distinct factors possible for a set of counts. I do this as follows:

Let f be the list of remaining factors, of length l.

1. Determine possible integer partitions of l, with the smallest 
partition allowed being 2. We also need to order these partitions by 
length, from largest to smallest:

partitions = IntegerPartitions[l, All, Range[2, l]];
partitions = Reverse@partitions[[ Ordering[Length/@partitions] ]];

2. Now, we need to test each partition to see if it's possible to fill 
in the partitions with the factors such that each partition is unique. 
Once we find such a partition, we are done, and we know how many 
distinct factors that number can be written as. This step I do by 
recursion, i.e., take the first member of a partition and fill it in 
with one of the possible subsets of factors, and then repeat with the 
remaining members of a partition. I do this with the function Partitionable.

Here is the code:

LargestPartition[list : {1 ..}] := Length[list]
LargestPartition[list_List] :=  Length[list] + 
LargestTwoPartition[Reverse@Sort@list - 1 /. {a__, 0 ..} -> {a}]

LargestTwoPartition[list_] :=  LargestTwoPartition[list] = Module[{set, 
partitions, res},
   set = CountToSet[list];
   partitions = IntegerPartitions[Total[list], All, Range[2, Total[list]]];
   partitions = Reverse@partitions[[Ordering[Length /@ partitions]]];
   res = Cases[partitions, x_ /; Partitionable[{}, set, x], 1, 1];
   If[res === {},

Partitionable[used_, unused_, part_] := Module[{first, rest},
  first = Complement[DistinctSubsets[unused, First@part], used];
  If[first === {}, Return[False]];
  rest = CountToSet /@ Transpose[
    SetToCount[unused, Max[unused]] -
    Transpose[SetToCount[#, Max[unused]] & /@ first]
    Or @@ MapThread[
      Partitionable[Join[used, {#1}], #2, Rest[part]] &,
      {first, rest}

Partitionable[used_, rest_, {last_}] := ! MemberQ[used, rest]

CountToSet[list_] := Flatten@MapIndexed[Table[#2, {#1}] &, list]
SetToCount[list_, max_] := BinCounts[list, {1, max + 1}]

DistinctSubsets[list_, len_] := Union[Subsets[list, {len}]]

T2[n_] := Module[{k=1},
  While[k++; LargestPartition[FactorInteger[k*((k + 1)/2) - 1][[All, 
2]]] < n];
  k*((k + 1)/2)


In[11]:= T2[6] // Timing
Out[11]= {0.047,13861}

In[12]:= T2[7] // Timing
Out[12]= {0.031,115921}

In[13]:= T2[8] // Timing
Out[13]= {0.11,665281}

In[14]:= T2[9] // Timing
Out[14]= {0.625,18280081}

In[15]:= T2[10] // Timing
Out[15]= {1.157,75479041}

In[16]:= T2[11] // Timing
Out[16]= {5.875,2080995841}

In[17]:= T2[12] // Timing
Out[17]= {48.703,68302634401}

For Diana, note that

In[20]:= 481 482/2 - 1 == 115921 - 1 == 2 3 4 5 6 7 23
Out[20]= True

so 115921-1 can indeed be written as a product of 7 distinct factors.

Partitionable can be improved, but another bottleneck for larger cases 
is evaluating FactorInteger. One possibility for improving FactorInteger 
speed is to note that

In[21]:= n (n + 1)/2 - 1 == (n + 2) (n - 1)/2 // Expand

Out[21]= True

So, rather than applying FactorInteger to n(n+1)/2-1 you can instead 
somehow combine FactorInteger[n+2] and FactorInteger[n-1].

At any rate, it takes a bit longer, but with enough patience one can 
also find:

In[53]:= 1360126 1360127/2 - 1 == 924972048001 - 1 ==  2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 
12 13 15 23 31
Out[53]= True


In[56]:= 9830401 9830402/2 - 1 == 48318396825601 - 1 ==  2 3 4 5 6 8 9 
10 11 12 17 22 32 59
Out[56]= True

Carl Woll
Wolfram Research

Andrzej Kozlowski wrote:

>Well, I stayed up longer than I wanted and I think I have now fixed  
>it, I hope for the final time. Here is the new FF:
>FFF[n_] := Module[{u = FactorInteger[n], s, k, partialQ, finalQ, space},
>    s = u[[All,2]]; k = Length[u]; partialQ[l_List] :=
>      And @@ Flatten[{Last[l] == Array[0 & , k] ||
>           !MemberQ[Most[l], Last[l]], Thread[Total[l] <= s - 1]}];
>     finalQ[l_List] := And @@ Flatten[{Last[l] == Array[0 & , k] ||
>           !MemberQ[Most[l], Last[l]], Total[l] == s - 1}];
>     space = Table[DeleteCases[Tuples[(Range[0, #1] & ) /@ (s - 1)],
>        Alternatives @@ IdentityMatrix[k], Infinity], {k}];
>     k + Max[0, Length /@ DeleteCases[Backtrack[space, partialQ,  
>finalQ, All],
>         Array[0 & , k], Infinity]]]
>T[n_] := Block[{k = 1, $Messages},
>   While[k++; FF[k*((k + 1)/2) - 1] < n, Null]; k*((k + 1)/2)]
>This gives the right answers for the first 8 values and in particular:
>  T[8]
>I am pretty sure it now works fine!  ;-))
>On 8 Jul 2007, at 22:17, Diana Mecum wrote:
>>Please disregard my last e-mail.
>>The eighth term of the sequence should be 665281
>>665280 = 11*7*5*3*9*2*4*8
>>On 7/8/07, Diana Mecum <diana.mecum at> wrote: Andrzej,
>>I appreciate all of your work. I have stopped working on this problem,
>>The best first 8 terms I have at this point are:
>>The first 8 terms I get with your algorithm are:
>>115921 = 13 * 37 * 241, which does not fit the rule.
>>I would be interested in any further information you would have,  
>>but also would understand your not wanting to take further time  
>>with this.
>>Thanks again,
>>Diana M.

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