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Re: integration of piecewise convex bivariate function with 6 parameters

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg78934] Re: integration of piecewise convex bivariate function with 6 parameters
  • From: dh <dh at>
  • Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2007 06:01:47 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <f74t0t$91f$>

Hi Michael,

you have syntax errors, abs should be Abs, max should be Max.

hope this helps, Daniel

Michael Chen wrote:

> Dear there,


> I spent roughly one week to manually integrate a piecewise convex function

> with 6 parameters, and I can't imagine how happy I would be if Mathematica

> can do it for me too. Following is the function, and the Mathematica command

> I tried.


> f(h1,h1)= if  (h1 - x1 <= 0 or h2 - x2 <= 0) then | h1 - x1| + | h2 - x2 |

> else max( h1 - x1, h2 - x2), where x1, x2 are real parameters. And I

> integrate the function f(h1, h2) over rectangular region {h1, B1, U1}, {h2,

> B2, U2}, where B1, U1, B2, U2 are reals, and B1 < U1, B2 < U2.


> I tried this in Mathematica 6.0:


> g[x1_Real, x2_Real] :=  Integrate[

>   If [h1 - x1 <= 0 || h2 - x2 <= 0, abs[h1 - x1] + abs[h2 - x2] ,

>     max[h1 - x1, h2 - x2]], {h1, B1, U1}, {h2, B2, U2},

>    Assumptions ->

>     Im[B1] == 0 && Im[B2] == 0 && Im[U1] == 0 && Im[U2] == 0 &&

>      Im[h1] == 0 && Im[h2] == 0  && B1 < U1 && B2 < U2 ];


> However there is simply no response from Mathematica 6.0 after I press

> Shift+Enter. Could anybody give me any suggestions? Thanks  a lot.


> ( The example on


> [image: Click for copyable input] <javascript:input('i_9')>, seems very

> close to what I am doing. And Mathematica gives back a piecewise function

> in  a  as answer.  I know the integral of my function f(h1,h2) is a

> piecewise function of (x1,x2) too.)


> Michael Chen



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