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two new surfaces

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg79084] two new surfaces
  • From: Roger Bagula <rlbagula at>
  • Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 02:55:49 -0400 (EDT)

My generalization of the n axial cylinders
day before yesterday in OEIS made me think.
A little experimentation gave me two new surfaces yesterday  morning.
Since it started off as a two cylinder and I spelled it wrong,
it got a new name ( it's open at only one end!).
I call it a two cycle surface: a two cyclinder.
It kind of looks like a tulip bud.
The torus is the analog of the triaxial  torus
but you have to have a constant greater than 1 for the
hole to be visible.
It appears to be a tetrahedral of ellipse that make a torus.
For new things you invent,
you have to also invent new names.

Respectfully, Roger L. Bagula
11759Waterhill Road, Lakeside,Ca 92040-2905,tel: 619-5610814 
alternative email: rlbagula at

(* Two Cyclinder: not a full torus angular domain*)
{x, y, z} = {Cos[p] Cos[t], Sin[p]*Sin[t], Sqrt[(t/Pi)^2 + (p/Pi)^2]}
ViewPoint -> {2.8, -1.9, 0.1},
Axes -> False,        
   LightSources ->
    {{{0.7071, 0, 0.7071}, RGBColor[0.9481, 0, 0]},
     {{0.5773, 0.5773, 0.5773}, RGBColor[0, 0.8888, 0]},
     {{0, 0.7071, 0.7071}, RGBColor[0, 0, 1]}}

gp2 = First@
    ParametricPlot3D[{x, y, z}, {t, -Pi, 0}, {p, 0, Pi}, ViewPoint -> {
        2.8, -1.9, 0.1}, PlotPoints -> {20, 30}, Boxed ->
        False, Axes -> False, LightSources -> {{{0.7071, 0, 0.7071},
        RGBColor[0.9481, 0, 0]}, {{0.5773, 0.5773, 0.5773}, RGBColor[0,
          0.8888, 0]}, {{0, 0.7071, 0.7071}, RGBColor[0, 0, 1]}}];

Show[Graphics3D[{gp /. Polygon -> Line,
          EdgeForm[GrayLevel[.8]], gp2}, {Boxed ->
         False, ViewPoint -> {0.832, 2.671, 1.904}}]];
(* two torus: angular domain is different*)
(*  *)
{x, y, z} = { Cos[p]*( 2^(1/4) + Cos[t]),Sin[p]*( 2^(1/4) + Sin[t]), 
Sqrt[(t/Pi)^2 + (p/Pi)^2]}
ViewPoint -> {2.8, -1.9, 0.1},
Axes -> False,        
   LightSources ->
    {{{0.7071, 0, 0.7071}, RGBColor[0.9481, 0, 0]},
     {{0.5773, 0.5773, 0.5773}, RGBColor[0, 0.8888, 0]},
     {{0, 0.7071, 0.7071}, RGBColor[0, 0, 1]}}
gp2 = First@
    ParametricPlot3D[{x, y, z}, {t, -Pi, 0}, {p, -
        Pi, Pi}, ViewPoint -> {2.8, -1.9, 0.1}, PlotPoints -> {20, 30},
          Boxed ->
        False, Axes -> False,
          LightSources -> {{{0.7071, 0, 0.7071}, RGBColor[0.9481, 0, 0]}, {{
          0.5773, 0.5773, 0.5773}, RGBColor[0, 0.8888, 0]}, {{0,
        0.7071, 0.7071}, RGBColor[0, 0, 1]}}];
Show[Graphics3D[{gp /. Polygon -> Line,
          EdgeForm[GrayLevel[.8]], gp2}, {Boxed ->
         False, ViewPoint -> {0.832, 2.671, 1.904}}]];
Show[Graphics3D[{gp /. Polygon -> Line,
          EdgeForm[GrayLevel[.8]], gp2}, {Boxed ->
         False, ViewPoint -> {-3.364, - 0.164, 0.329}}]];

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