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Re: Slow Manipulate with image argument

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg79220] Re: Slow Manipulate with image argument
  • From: Mariusz Jankowski <mjankowski at>
  • Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2007 04:29:51 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <f7pqi0$1a8$>

Maarten, the main culprit is ListPlot so the idea is to disable it while 
the slider is moving (see ControlActive in documentation).

gr = Import["";]
dat = gr[[1, 1]] ;

Here is the code with some other minor adjustments to your original:

  Column[{Row[{VerticalSlider[Dynamic[x], {1, h}],
      Show[{gr, Graphics[{Red, Dynamic[Line[{{1, x}, {w, x}}]]}]}]},
       ListPlot[dat[[Round[x]]], Filling -> Axis,
        PlotStyle -> None]]]]}, Alignment -> Center]]

Bye, Mariusz

Maarten van der Burgt wrote:
> Dear all,
> Consider the lines of code below:
> dat =Table[Sin[x y/2],{x,-10,10,0.04},{y,-10,10,0.04}];
> gr=ArrayPlot[dat];
> h=Length[dat];
> w =Length[dat[[1]]];
> Manipulate[
> GraphicsColumn[{Show[{gr,Graphics[{Green,Line
> [{{0,h-i},{w,h-i}}]}]}],ListPlot[dat[[i]],PlotJoined->True,PlotRange->
> {-1,1}]}],
> {{i,200},1,h,1}]
> In the code above I generate a quite large array with data (= dat; in my
> real application dat is an image of similar size which I want to analyze).
> I generate an ArrayPlot (gr) of the data.
> Using Manipulate I want to show the data in each line of the array using
> ListPlot.
> It would help the analysis if in the same Manipulate window I could show
> the image with a line drawn on top of it, indicating which line of the
> array is shown in the ListPlot.
> This all works, but, since the graphics needs to be updated every time,
> Manipulate becomes very slow.
> Has anyone a bright idea how to speed this up, or to write this slightly
> different with the same (but faster) result?
> Thanks for your help,
> Maarten

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