Re: Famous Mathematica 5.0 not working with Mathematica 6?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg77027] Re: Famous Mathematica 5.0 not working with Mathematica 6?
- From: ulises <ulises at>
- Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2007 02:38:37 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <f3jif1$dpc$><f3lvbr$75u$>
Although the V6 and V5 plotting engines are quite different, a more fair comparison would be: Timing[Plot3D[Sin[x*y], {x, 0, 2*Pi}, {y, 0, 2*Pi}, PlotPoints -> 4000, PerformanceGoal -> "Speed", NormalsFunction -> None];][[1]] On my machine the speed difference is still about 9x (120 sec vs 14 sec). Note that the ouputs are completely different, in V5 you had a SurfaceGraphics object which only had the z values, equivalent to Table[]. In V6, you have all the {x,y,z} coordinates, plus all the Polygon[] entries for the all mesh consisting of triangles, all enclosed in a GraphicsComplex[] object. In V6, the emphasis is on adaptive refinement and quality, which means that smaller values of PlotPoints should be enough to generate a smoother surface. For this benchmark test files, as mentioned before, using the legacy <<Version5`Graphics` is the only way of making a fair comparison. Ulises Cervantes WRI