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Problems creating a package file

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg77056] Problems creating a package file
  • From: chuck009 <dmilioto at>
  • Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2007 04:14:45 -0400 (EDT)

Hello everyone.

I'd like to create my own package of some plotting routines but I'm having problems getting routines to work within the package.  I suspect my context is not right.  I created PlotRoutines.m via File/SaveAsSpecial/PackageFormat and placed it in a PlotUtilities directory within the ExtraPackages directory:


    Package for plot routines *)


TagPoints::usage = "Tag Polygons with '1' which satisfy passed inequality"


TagPoints[inequality_][p_] := 
    Block[{x, y, z}, {x, y, z} = p; If[inequality, {p, 1}],{p, 2}]];



It takes a Graphics3D object and tests each coordinate of each Polygon matching the search criteria specified in the inequality and is suppose to append either a 1 or a 2 to each coordinate.  I'd call it as:

<< PlotUtilities`PlotRoutines`

p1=Graphics3D[Plot3D[some plot here]]

p1 /. Polygon[pts_] :> Polygon[TagPoints[z â?¥ 2] /@ pts];

However it doesn't update the polygons and I know it works when I create the TagPoints function within the notebook.   Also, I noticed when I first create the *.m file, Mathematica adds (*  *) to the file which I remove.  Not sure what to do.  Can someone help me?

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