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Re: NestListEffects function not working in 6.0

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg77064] Re: NestListEffects function not working in 6.0
  • From: Jens-Peer Kuska <kuska at>
  • Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2007 04:19:03 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <f3ofsh$p6j$>


a) you post code to a news group that is not written by you
    and I would expect, that this violate the copyright of the
b) your mail client has corrupted the code listing and


    the inserted = characters have destroyed the code.
c) when you re-post the code, it would be fine, when you can
    append an example of the usage, the result you expect and
    the result that came out ..


Jon Davis wrote:
> I'm coming back to Mathematica after a couple of years and I just
> upgraded to 6.0. I have relied on a function for quite awhile that I
> got from a book by Richard Gaylord and Louis D'Andria titled
> "Simulating Society".  The function is very useful for agent-based
> simulations and for some reason, it doesn't seem to work in version
> 6.0... No incompatibilities are identified by the version advisory
> scanner, so I'm not sure what to do. Can anyone help? Functions follow.
> Any help is deeply appreciated!!! I can provide a notebook with example
> usage on request.
> NestListEffects::usage = "NestListEffects[f, expr, n, ReturnValues =E2=86=
> =92
> {g, k}] returns a list of every kth element of NestList[f, expr, n]
> after the application of g. NestListEffects[f, expr, n, SideEffects =E2=86=
> =92
> {{g1, k1}, {g2, k2},...}] applies gi after every ki steps, but does not
> effect return values.";
> ReturnValues::usage = "ReturnValues is an option to NestListEffects
> that determines what is returned and how often.";
> SideEffects::usage = "SideEffects is an option to NestListEffects that
> applies functions without effecting return values. The option
> SideEffects does not affect return values";
> Options[NestListEffects]={ReturnValues-> {#&, 1}, SideEffects-> {}};
> NestListEffects[f_, expr_, n_, opts___]:= If[({ReturnValues,
> SideEffects} /. {opts} /. Options[NestListEffects]) === {{#&, 1}, {=
> }},
> NestList[f, expr, n],
>    (* else *)
>    Module[{c = 0, lis = {}, side, ret}, {ret, side} = {ReturnValues=
> ,
> SideEffects} /. {opts} /. Options[NestListEffects];
>     If[side === {}, side = {{Null, Infinity}}];
>     Nest[( If[Mod[c, ret[[-1]]] === 0, lis = Join[lis, {First[ret=
> ][#, c]}]];
>          Table[If[Mod[c, side[[i, -1]]] === 0, side[[i, 1]][#, c]],=
>  {i,
> Length[side]}];
>          c++;
>          #)&[f[#]]&, expr, n];
>     lis]
>    ];

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