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Re: Two Version 6.0 Package Problems

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg77153] Re: Two Version 6.0 Package Problems
  • From: Bill Rowe <readnewsciv at>
  • Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2007 06:31:10 -0400 (EDT)

On 6/4/07 at 3:46 AM, djmpark at (David Park) wrote:

>2) All cells in the source notebook are now automatically
>Initialization cells and there is no way to change any of them. This
>is quite bad because there are a number of reasons for having
>nonitialization cells in a package source notebook. I often put in
>Text cell comments that give the date and reason that some change
>was made. I don't want these comments to be in the ..m package file.
>Also, I often make a new version of a routine but do not want to
>immediately throw out the old routine code. I could formerly do this
>by making the old code cell a noninitialization cell but can no
>longer do that. This is a serious loss of development capability. I
>believe this is a bug because one can select a cell and use Menu ->
>Cell -> Cell Properties -> Initialization Cell and this will be
>either checked or unchecked. It will toggle when one selects it.
>However, it does not affect the Initialization character of the cell
>in the source notebook. And even when the menu item is unchecked the
>cell still goes into the .m file and causes problems.

Your characterization as "all cells ... are now automatically
initialization cells" doesn't seem correct. For packages I've
created using a source Notebook, there is a definite difference
between initialization cells and other cells. Only those cells
marked initialization cells get executed when I select the menu
item Evaluation->Evaluate Initialization Cells.

However, it does seem that what gets saved in the .m file has
changed in version 6 as you describe.

But I don't see why you see this as a problem. The cells that
aren't marked initialization cells appear as comments in the .m
file. Why is this a problem?
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