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Re: Unable to copy graphics from Mathematica 6 to Publicon

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg77164] Re: Unable to copy graphics from Mathematica 6 to Publicon
  • From: David Reiss <dbreiss at>
  • Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2007 06:36:52 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <f40gm6$66q$>

Publicon is based on Mathematica 5.x, so the backward compatibility of
graphics is not expected to work.

Similarly pasting graphics from Mathematica 6 to Mathematica 5.x won't
work.   However if, as was discussed earlier on this group, you load a
"backward compatibility engine" by executing

<< Version5`Graphics`

then, in all liklihood, the copy and paste back to Publicon will
work.  Of course you lose much of the important Version 6 stuff, but
if this is important for your work then this will save you for the
moment until a version of Publicon based on Mathematica 6 comes out.

After executing  << Version5`Graphics` and doing your plots you shoudl
re-upgrade to Mathematica 6 by executing

<< Version6`Graphics`

Hope tha this helps,

now Mathematica 6 Compatible....

On Jun 4, 3:57 am, "Kjell Tangen" <kjar... at> wrote:
> I have Publicon 1.0.1 and recently installed Mathematica 6 (Windws
> versions). In Mathematica 5, copy-paste of graphics from Mathematica and
> Publicon worked like a charm, but no more with Mathematica 6. I have found
> no other way than copying as a bitmap, which results in reduced quality as
> well as bloated graphics files (10 times bigger than they used to be) when I
> export to LaTeX from Pulicon.
> This is a big problem, because it is hard to pass LaTeX around with such big
> files.
> Tips anyone?
> Any plans to upgrade Publicon to the new Mathematica kernel?
> Regards,
> Kjell Tangen

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