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RE: Re: Re: :: notation

Dear Carl, I believe that Szabolcs has described precisely the "problem"
with v6.0 documentation: If v5.2 help seemed to be a (safe) Tree, now v6.0
help seems to be a (unsafe) Labyrinth.

The tree-like structure of v5.2 help browser helps the end user have the
feeling that s/he will eventually be able to know everything that has to be
known about a specific topic. Just have to "travel" and spend enough time
"inside" all the relevant branches.

That comfortable sensation was lost in v6.0 Documentation Center. 

Please read again the comments of Szabolcs that I include below:

>In v5.2 I can go through the table of contents and read the
>description of every single function in a section. I v6 I can never be
>sure that I didn't miss something, because there is no simple way to
>go through all the symbol names and check their documentation. It is
>possible that this is a false perception, but the 5.2 documentation
>*feels* much more transparent because I always know my exact position
>in the table of contents, and once I found a page, it is easy to go
>back to it again. The v6 documentation seems like a fuzzy collection
>of pages connected by random links, like a labyrinth

Best regards!


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