Power Spectrum 2D field
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg78298] Power Spectrum 2D field
- From: matteo.convertino at unipd.it
- Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 04:15:25 -0400 (EDT)
Is there someone who can help me to calculate and plot the power spectrum of a 2D field? I have already calculated the power spectral density (it's a 3D function) of the matrix through the FFt of the same matrix, you can use various techniques, for example using the periodogram, but now i need the power spectrum of the field so...? How can i do? (PS: for example in turbulence you give a 3D field and you can compute the power spectra, how? Therefore I am in the 2D input case) Is there someone who have already done any Mathematica routine? Thank you very much, Matteo. _______________________________________________________ Matteo Convertino PhD student, advisors: Prof. Andrea Rinaldo and Prof. Amos Maritan IMAGE Dept. and International Center for Hydrology "Dino Tonini" Via Loredan 20, I-35131 Padova Graduate School in Civil and Environmental Engineering Sciences University of Padova, Italy http://digilander.libero.it/matconv/ http://digilander.libero.it/matconv/ThesisMaterials.html http://www.image.unipd.it/scuola_di_dottorato/ Office phone: +39 049 8275445 Fax: +39 049 8275446 Personal phone: +39 349 1750320 E-mail: convertino at idra.unipd.it and matteo.convertino at unipd.it Skype ID: matteo_convertino _______________________________________________________