a definite integral and a workaround
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg78380] a definite integral and a workaround
- From: dimitris <dimmechan at yahoo.com>
- Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2007 05:53:21 -0400 (EDT)
I have posted some time ago a similar message but in view of the recent thread called "two integrals" here we go... In[1]:= $Version Out[1]= "5.2 for Microsoft Windows (June 20, 2005)" I am interested in the integral In[2]:= Integrate[u*Sin[u*x]*Exp[(-y)*(Sqrt[1 + m^2*u^2]/m)], {u, 0, Infinity}, GenerateConditions -> False] Out[2]= Integrate[(u*Sin[u*x])/E^((Sqrt[1 + m^2*u^2]*y)/m), {u, 0, Infinity}, GenerateConditions -> False] I.e. it stays unevaluated within Mathematica (the same holds true for another CAS I tried). Say, In[6]:= integrand = u*Sin[u*x]*Exp[(-y)*(Sqrt[1 + m^2*u^2]/m)] Out[6]= (u*Sin[u*x])/E^((Sqrt[1 + m^2*u^2]*y)/m) Then, In[26]:= ff=Integrate[integrand, x, y] Normal[Series[%, {y, 0, 5}]] (Integrate[#1, {u, 0, Infinity}, GenerateConditions -> False] & ) /@ % Out[26]= (m*Cos[u*x])/(E^((Sqrt[1 + m^2*u^2]*y)/m)*Sqrt[1 + m^2*u^2]) Out[27]= (m*Cos[u*x])/Sqrt[1 + m^2*u^2] - y*Cos[u*x] + (Sqrt[1 + m^2*u^2]*y^2*Cos[u*x])/(2*m) - ((1 + m^2*u^2)*y^3*Cos[u*x])/(6*m^2) + ((1 + m^2*u^2)^(3/2)*y^4*Cos[u*x])/(24*m^3) - ((1 + m^2*u^2)^2*y^5*Cos[u*x])/(120*m^4) Out[28]= (m*BesselK[0, Sqrt[x^2]/Sqrt[m^2]])/Sqrt[m^2] - (y^2*BesselK[1, Sqrt[x^2]/Sqrt[m^2]])/(2*m*Sqrt[x^2]) + (Sqrt[m^2]*y^4*BesselK[2, Sqrt[x^2]/Sqrt[m^2]])/(8*m^3*x^2) Pay notice to the last output. Next In[31]:= FullSimplify /@ Normal[Series[BesselK[0, Sqrt[x^2 + y^2]/m], {y, 0, 5}]] Out[31]= BesselK[0, Sqrt[x^2]/m] - (y^2*BesselK[1, Sqrt[x^2]/m])/ (2*m*Sqrt[x^2]) + (y^4*BesselK[2, Sqrt[x^2]/m])/(8*m^2*x^2) Comparing the outputs 28 and 31 we conclude that Integrate[ff,{u,0,Infinity}]=BesselK[0, Sqrt[x^2 + y^2]/m] so the desiring integral is given by In[33]:= FunctionExpand[D[BesselK[0, Sqrt[x^2 + y^2]/m], x, y]] Out[33]= (x*y*BesselK[2, Sqrt[x^2 + y^2]/m])/(m^2*(x^2 + y^2)) Let's check it! In[44]:= NIntegrate[u*Sin[u*x]*Exp[(-y)*(Sqrt[1 + m^2*u^2]/m)] /. {x -> 1/2, m - > 2, y -> 2}, {u, 0, Infinity}] Out[44]= 0.08892633231521632 In[48]:= (x*y*BesselK[2, Sqrt[x^2 + y^2]/m])/(m^2*(x^2 + y^2)) /. {x -> 1/2, m - > 2, y -> 2} N[%] Out[48]= (1/17)*BesselK[2, Sqrt[17]/4] Out[49]= 0.08892633231440279 Dimitris