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ReadList and columns

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg73873] ReadList and columns
  • From: "Mary Beth Mulcahy" <mulcahy.marybeth at>
  • Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2007 06:37:59 -0500 (EST)

Using Mathematicas Experimental Data Analysis (EDA) I have successfully
written a notebook to import and plot numerous files.  EDA has some nice
functions for importing data which include ignoring headers and specifying
columns of data.  Unfortunately my colleague doesn't have EDA so I have been
trying to write the script necessary to import the data the same way I have
with EDA so that he can use my program.  I am close, but am at a stopping
point I was hoping someone could help with.

First, here is the one line of code I use in EDA to get my data ready:

au1=Table[ImportData["C:\Documents and Settings\All
OutputVariables->1, UseVariables->i], {i, 1,19}];

Here is what I have written to try and get my data into the same format not
using EDA:

strm=OpenRead["C:\Documents and Settings\All

Skip[strm, Record, 4, NullRecords->False];  (*this is to eliminate 4 header

au1=ReadList[strm, Table[Number, {i, 1, 19}]]; (this is to then import the
data into a table*)


Here is sample of what au1  then looks like according to Mathematica:


which if I put in table form looks like:


350    0.00023179    0.0001804
360    0.0038609    0.002927
370    0.0075302    0.0058464
380    0.008159    0.006915
390    0.0076243    0.0068103

So in the end what I want to do is make a MultipleListPlot using the left
column as the "x" column and then the two other as "y" columns.  Since with
EDA I have been calling each column in as a separate variable, I simply
transpose the two columns I want to plot to get my {x, y} points.  That
doesn't work here.  When I call up the columns, I get a list of individual

input:     au1[[All,{1}]]
output:  {{350},{360},{370},{380},{390}}

input:     au1[[All,{2}]]
output:   {{0.00023179},{0.0038609},{0.0075302},{0.008159},{0.0076243}}

And when I try and transpose the lists (Transpose[au1[[All,{1}]], au1[[All,
{2}]]]) I get an error message saying the dimensions of my array are

I know that I need Mathematica to read my columns like this:
{350,360,370,380,390} without the extra curly brackets and which I believe
would be a single array, but I can't figure out how to do it.  I would
really appreciate any help.

Mary Beth Mulcahy

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