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Symbolic Calculations with Matrices

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg74570] Symbolic Calculations with Matrices
  • From: "sameer" <sameerece at>
  • Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2007 03:53:50 -0500 (EST)

Dear All,

Greetings...I am new to Mathematica and hence my question would be
trivial to most of you. I tried to find an answer to this from the
previuos posts but unfortunately I could n't locate any answer.

I have to do various matrix operation like derivatives, inverse etc,
where each element of the matrix is a matrix/vector. {eg. 1,
exp(j2*pi*/N), exp(j3*pi*/N)...., exp(j((N-1)*pi*/N} or it could be an
FFT matrix.

My question is how can I specify such vectors or matrices with the
range of values as symbolic expressions in the range, 0 to N-1.

Any help is greatly appreciated..

With Thanks and Best Regards


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