Re: Mathematica 6 review [first impressions]
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg76548] Re: Mathematica 6 review [first impressions]
- From: Bill Rowe <readnewsciv at>
- Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 05:46:29 -0400 (EDT)
On 5/22/07 at 2:38 AM, nma at (Nasser Abbasi) wrote: >"Szabolcs" <szhorvat at> wrote in message >news:f2rr94$a2r$1 at >>science2003 at wrote: >>The big improvement in the version interface 6 is the interactive >>graphics. Now you can click on a plot and set line width, colour >>etc. interactively. >How?? >I can click on the plot to select it, then double click on it to >move it, and even modify the actual curve plotted with the mouse. >But I can seem to see how to change line width nor color or anything >else. Go to the menu item Graphics->Graphics Inspector to open 2D Graphics Inspector window. Double click on the graphic element you want to change Drag the appropriate sliders in the Graphics Inspector window to whatever value you like Click somewhere in the notebook with the graphic to see the changes you've made >Where in the help is this described? Search on tutorial/IntroductionToInteractiveGraphics in the Documentation Center -- To reply via email subtract one hundred and four