Re: Dialogs and inheritance
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg76526] Re: Dialogs and inheritance
- From: ragfield <ragfield at>
- Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 05:35:02 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <f2u3c3$j45$>
On May 22, 12:42 am, " at" < at> wrote: > Hello, > I'm trying to learn to use Dialogs for debugging purposes - since I > cannot learn the right way to use the integrated debugger. > Can you please tell me what is wrong in the following??? > > In[1]:= Module[{a}, > Do[ > a = {i, Sin[i]}; > Dialog[], > {i, 100}]] > > (Dialog) In[2]:= i > > (Dialog) Out[2]= 1 > > (Dialog) In[3]:= a > > (Dialog) Out[3]= a > > I thought under Dialog I could be able to see all the local values of > the variables! The reason you don't see a value for "a" is because the variable is not named "a". Module changes the name of variable when it is evaluated. The actual name is something like "a$5224" (which can easily be seen with the debugger). To use the debugger with this example, try the following: * enable the debugger is enabled by choosing Evaluation > Debugger from the menubar. * a palette will pop up * remove the Dialog[] from your example, as it not necessary and may cause problems with the debugger * select the code you are interested in examining (e.g. triple click on the "a") * press the "Break at Selection" button in the debugger palette * evaluate your example * note that the evaluation pauses and the "a = ..." block is highlighted. * click "Show Stack" in the debugger palette * this brings up a window showing you what is evaluating * in the stack window click the opener triangle labeled "Local Variables" * here you can see that a (or a$5224) does not yet have a value * press the "Step" button in the debugger palette * note that "a" now has the value {1, Sin[1]} * press "Step" again * note that "a" now has the value {2, Sin[2]} * etc. * press "Continue" on the debugger palette a few times * it will stop each time it hits the "a = ..." breakpoint * click the "Show Breakpoints" button on the debugger palette * delete the breakpoint * press "Continue" on the debugger palette * the evaluation will complete -Rob