Re: Exporting TableHeadings to Excel
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg77004] Re: Exporting TableHeadings to Excel
- From: Szabolcs <szhorvat at>
- Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 03:33:54 -0400 (EDT)
- Organization: University of Bergen
- References: <f3jh42$dd6$>
Dean Williams wrote: > Using the example below, I am trying to export the TableHeadings to > accompany the data into Excel. > > However, when I open Excel, the TableHeadings are lost. > > Is there a way to export the TableHeadings and data together? > > Regards > > Dean > > > data = {{"Item1", 1, 2}, {"Item2", 3, 4}} > > aa = TableForm[data, > TableHeadings -> {None, {"Item", "Heading1", "Heading2"}}] > > Export["testxls.xls", aa] > > A workaround is to directly Prepend the heading to the table. Export["data.xls", Prepend[data, {"Item", "Heading1", "Heading2"}]]