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Re: Memory requirements in Mathematica 6

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg83042] Re: Memory requirements in Mathematica 6
  • From: Bill Rowe <readnewsciv at>
  • Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2007 06:13:25 -0500 (EST)

On 11/7/07 at 6:37 AM, michael.weyrauch at (Michael Weyrauch)

>some years back we solved a problem using Mathematica 3 using
>essentially a simple one line algorithm, which however used up
>nearly all the 4 GB of memory on our Unix workstation. But it

>Now with Mathematica 6 this very same program on a Linux 64 bit
>workstation with 32 GB memory does not run any more. The memory the
>Mathematica kernel demands just exceeds what is available, and the
>kernel quits (or worse, it shuts down the entire machine and we are
>in for a reboot. The latter effect just may be poor process
>management on the side of our Linux kernel, which is not the issue

>I just wonder if it is really possible that the internal storage
>requirements of Mathematica 6 in order to store expressions have so
>drastically increased (relative to version 3) that the effect
>described above can be explained. Does anyone have similar
>observations with  Mathematica 6?  Any other ideas or
>suggestions? (Of course, tricks like Share[] have already been tried.)

>Thanks for any hint....

And you are expecting meaningful hints when you have provided
essentially no details as to the problem you are trying to solve
or any code???
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