Style Sheets - Palette - SubScript Entry
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg83703] Style Sheets - Palette - SubScript Entry
- From: Joe Sneed <jsneed at>
- Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 05:45:14 -0500 (EST)
- Organization: Colorado School of Mines
I run V6.01 under windows XP I find significant and, for me, problematic differences in the ways V5.1 and 6.01 appear to handle palettes and style sheets as well as subscript (etc.) entry. Yesterday, I posted two questions about these issues. But, I am now clearer about what the problem is. Using any installed style sheet, system or user defined: 1) forms entered from the the "BasicMathInput" palette always appear in the Courier New font, regardless of the font specified by the style sheet. Font / face changes can be made from the format menu. The same behavior is observed with the "AlgebraicManipulation" Palette, and a legacy user defined palette, but not with the "SpecialCharacters" palette. 2) subscripts (etc.) entered from the keyboard using the control-key appear as Times New Roman Italic, though the format menu format display reads 'Times New Roman Plain'. The font can be changed from the format menu and the face to bold and underline.. But, I have found no way to change from italic from the format menu. Entered from the bottom two rows of the "BasicMathInput" palette, they behave as in 1). Further investigation of 2) reveals that the the underlying cell expressions for superscripts entered with the control key and the "BasicMathInput" palette are different. For example: control-6 yields Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ SuperscriptBox["x", "e"], TraditionalForm]], "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{ 3.405177763046875*^9, 3.40517776759375*^9}, 3.405178772*^9} ] the "BasicMathInput" palette yields Cell[BoxData[ SuperscriptBox["x", "e"]], "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.405178871*^9, 3.405178875515625*^9}}] I discover that Cell -> Convert To -> Standard Form on the first cell gives me exactly what's in the second cell. All this leaves me a bit confused. What is described in 1) is not the behavior I observed with V5.01 where palette entries appeared to respect the style of the cell into which they were entered. 2) is totally bizarre. I suppose the "work around" is using the "BasicMathInput" palette for subscripts (etc.). I deeply suspect that what I describe here is not the way V6.01 is intended to work. I wonder if some global option might be set incorrectly. Any help much appreciated... Joe -- Joe Sneed Division of Liberal Arts and International Studies Colorado School of Mines Golden CO USA mailto:jsneed at