How to remove an artifact from a plot
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg81896] How to remove an artifact from a plot
- From: john.feth at
- Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2007 04:36:15 -0400 (EDT)
I'm using Mathematica 6.0 and when I use the following notebook entry Test=Table[{x,(1/2)+(Cos[2*2*Pi*x]/2)*(E^-(x^2)+(1/2)*0.1*E^- ((x-12)^2)+(1/2)*0.05*E^-((x-27)^2)+(10^-3)*E^-((x-280)^2))}, {x,-10,40,0.05}];ListPlot[Test,PlotRange->All,Joined->True,Frame- >True,FrameLabel->{"Pathlength Mismatch (2\[CenterDot]m mm)"," Signal Strength "},BaseStyle->{FontFamily->"Garamond",FontSlant- >"Italic",FontSize->14}] in addtion to the plot I want, I get a horizontal line across the whole plot at 0.2. This sort of artifact also appears occasionally in Mathematica 5.1. Does anyone know why it appears? Does anyone know how to get rid of it? Thanks very much, John Feth
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- Re: How to remove an artifact from a plot
- From: "Ricardo Samad" <>
- Re: How to remove an artifact from a plot