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Installing WebMathematica on a PC Windows XP Problems

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg81884] Installing WebMathematica on a PC Windows XP Problems
  • From: "Richard Palmer" <rhpalmer at>
  • Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2007 04:30:04 -0400 (EDT)

... running windows xp pro service pack 2.

Per Mathematica's installation instructions:

It is recommended to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable for the
environment in whichTomcat runs. This can be done with a script used to
launch Tomcat or more conveniently with the Control Panel.

If you go to the Control Panel and open the System icon, you will see
the System
Properties window. From this, select the Advanced tab and then the Environment
Variablesbutton. Enter JAVA_HOME as a system variable, setting it to the
top-level directory containing yourJDK. For example, if your JDK is
installed in c:\j2sdk, this is the setting for JAVA_HOME.

It can also be useful to amend the PATH environment variable to include the
directory that contains the jawt.dll library. Typically this is found in


I look for JDK on my system using the search feature.  Sadly, there is no
instance of JDK on my machine.  However there are two folders that might
work.  Both are in Wolfram Research Folders. The most promising seems to be

f:\program files\wolfram

and that does not seem to be very promising.

In any case, I follow instructions and download the latest version of tomcat

Tomcat is currently running on my system.  There is still no JDK anywhere.
the Apache Website gives me no clues on how to get one (nor does wolfram).
I have no clue on either how to stop tomcat (it does not show up on the task
manager) or how to get things started.

I have premier service.  That does not appear to mean much.  Does anyone
have any idea of whom to contact or what to do next to get the system up and

Thanks in advance for any help!

Richard Palmer

Home 508 877-3862
Cell 508 982-7266

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