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Re: Mathematica Numerical Integration and For Loop

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg81986] Re: Mathematica Numerical Integration and For Loop
  • From: Peter Pein <petsie at>
  • Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2007 02:04:19 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <fea9tf$k99$>

General schrieb:
> Hi,
> I have a function which I have numerically integrated in Mathematica. I would like to be able to change a parameter of that function and re-evaluate that integral and then record the answer. 
> Since this needs to be done for vary small changes of that independent variable it would be impossible for me to sit down and do it one by one. 
> I am thinking of using a for loop but I cannot understand how to use it in my case.
> I would appreciate anyones help/
> Here is the form of the function that I am integrating
> NIntegrate[
>  ref[\[lambda], \[Theta], \[Phi], \[Pi]/5, (2 \[Pi])/5], {\[Theta], 
>   0, \[Pi]}, {\[Phi], 0, 2 \[Pi]}]
> I would like to be able to change the first variable within my ref function. This is lambda. So I want lambda to take different values within a range of 0 to 10 with increments of 0.01 and then store the output of the numerical integration. I would then like to plot lambda against the values obtained from the numerical integration. 
> Thanks
> Regards
> Alex

simply use Table:

result = Table[{lambda, NIntegrate[ref[lambda, theta, phi, Pi/5, 
(2*Pi)/5], {theta, 0, Pi}, {phi, 0, 2*Pi}]}, {lambda, 0, 10, 1/100}];
ListPlot[result, PlotJoined -> True];


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