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Add on for Dirac Notation and Quantum Computing in Mathematica 6

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg82024] Add on for Dirac Notation and Quantum Computing in Mathematica 6
  • From: "Jose Luis Gomez" <jose.luis.gomez at>
  • Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 04:18:19 -0400 (EDT)

Dear group

We have created QUANTUM, an add-on package for calculations in Dirac
Notation and Quantum Computing in Mathematica 6. Although it is inspired in
the earlier work of Jason Harris, it does *Not* use his Notation add-on.
Furthermore, QUANTUM can plot Quantum Computing Circuits, a capacity that
makes it complementary to QDensity by Julia, Burdis and Tabakin.

We invite anyone interested in Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computing to
try this new add-on. It includes documentation and installation
instructions. It can be downloaded from here:

Next, the introduction to QUANTUM's documentation:

by Jos=E9 Luis G=F3mez-Mu=F1oz
jose.luis.gomez at
with contributions by Francisco Delgado-Cepeda, Sergio E. Mart=EDnez Casas and
Salvador Venegas-Andraca

Charles Babbage designed in the XIX century a "mechanical computer" (he
called it the "Analytical Engine"). This "mechanical computer" was never
built. It was a challenge to build such a machine for the XIX century
technology. Ada Lovelace (Ada Byron) wrote with him the first computer
program (they called it "calculation method") for this computer that never
existed. The way this "calculation method" would work in the hypothetical
"Analytical Engine" was explained (we could say "simulated") in a document
written by Ada Lovelace. Babbage imagined that his "Analytical Engine" would
be able to generate tables of logarithms, tables of Bernoulli numbers,
tables of special polynomials; it would even be able to generate music.
Nowadays computers are not mechanical, they are electronic. These electronic
computers and their programs are far more powerful than any wild dream
Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace could have had.

Nowadays, scientists and engineers of the XXI century write programs
(algorithms) for "Quantum Computers". A general purpose "Quantum Computer"
has not been built yet. It is a challenge to build such a quantum computer
for the XXI century technology. Scientist and engineers imagine that a
"Quantum Computer" will be able to process huge amounts of information in
parallel, allowing applications that cannot be done with our normal
electronic computers. But remember that a general purpose "Quantum Computer"
has not been built. Therefore, the quantum algorithms have to be tested
(simulated) in our "normal" electronic computers. There are many simulators
to do that. We have written such a simulator for doing Quantum Computing
calculations in Mathematica. This simulator is special because it uses Dirac
Notation and it can plot (graph) Quantum Circuits. It brings the power of
Mathematica to the Dirac Notation, and the power of Dirac Notation to
Mathematica. We invite anyone interested in Quantum Mechanics and Quantum
Computing to use this new Mathematica Add-On. And let us dream, just the way
Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace did 

M. en C. Jos=E9 Luis G=F3mez Mu=F1oz (jose.luis.gomez at
Profesor de Planta
Departamento de=A0Ciencias B=E1sicas =A0
Tecnol=F3gico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de M=E9xico
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enlace-intercampus: 80.236.5670
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