Implicit plotting issues
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg82188] Implicit plotting issues
- From: nateomason at
- Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2007 06:12:57 -0400 (EDT)
So I am plotting an implicit function the that has small y values(0 to .5) and large x values(0 to 74). the graph i get is not readable and i can 't resize it using the edges it is lame. So does anyone know how to rescale the the implicit plot so that i could read it. I have included my code, below. I am using Mathematica 5.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- \!\(<< Graphics`ImplicitPlot`\[IndentingNewLine] \(u0 = 76;\)\n \(\[Omega] = \[Pi]/12;\)\[IndentingNewLine] \(uh = u0*\[ExponentialE]^\((\(-k\)*t)\);\)\[IndentingNewLine] \(up = 7\ \((5 - 5\ \[ExponentialE]\^\(\(-k\)\ t\) - \(1\/\(k\^2 + \[Omega] \^2\)\) \ \((2\ \[ExponentialE]\^\(\(-k\)\ t\)\ k\ \((\(-k\)\ Cos[ 3\ \[Omega]] + \[Omega]\ Sin[ 3\ \[Omega]] + \[ExponentialE]\^\(k\ t\)\ \ ((k\ \ Cos[\((\(-3\) + t)\)\ \[Omega]] + \[Omega]\ Sin[\((\(-3\) + t)\)\ \[Omega]])\))\))\))\);\)\ \[IndentingNewLine] \(myANS = uh + up;\)\[IndentingNewLine] \(U = myANS\ ;\)\n ImplicitPlot[U == 30, {t, 0, 72}, {k, 0.2, 0.48}]\n Plot3D[U, {t, 0, 72}, {k, 0.2, 0.48}]\)