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Graphics export to BMP and JPEG

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg82631] Graphics export to BMP and JPEG
  • From: Hannes Kessler <HannesKessler at>
  • Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 05:30:08 -0400 (EDT)

Hello all,

what options are recommended for
Export["image.bmp",_Graphics,ImageSize->..,ImageResolution->..], also
for image.jpg, image.tiff in order to get image files of the same
quality as right mouse clicking the image in the notebook and copying
as a bitmap or metafile? I tried different values of ImageSize-
>..,ImageResolution->.. but with quite poor results. The _Graphics
were ordinary plots created by Plot or ListPlot.

For example, Export["image.bmp",_Graphics,ImageSize-
>Large,ImageResolution->72 n] with n=1,2,3,... did not improve the
image quality with increasing n. I checked with Irfan view that with
increasing ImageResolution the default print size of the image
decreased proportionally. In other words, the image resolution at
constant image size remained always constant (and poor).

Increasing ImageSize at constant ImageResolution increased
proportionally both the default print size and the number of pixels as
one would expect. But artificially exporting the graphics with large
ImageSize and then sizing down does not help as the text size remains
constant during the export even when ImageSize increases and thus
sizing down subsequently would make the text invisible.

As a side question, what are the default sizes for ImageSize->Large,
Medium or Small in different situations? Are they documented

Thanks in advance,
Hannes Kessler

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