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v6: Sloppy eps/pdf vector-format export compared to v5?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg82774] v6: Sloppy eps/pdf vector-format export compared to v5?
  • From: Yves Klett <yves.klett at>
  • Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 05:48:48 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: Comp.Center (RUS), U of Stuttgart, FRG

Hello Mathgroup,

consider the following input lines, which concern a square with rounded
edges (please take care, files with name "tstuvwxyz.***" are generated
in the current directory!):


(*Do not evaluate if you have important files named \
tstuvwxyz.* *)

r1 = {Line[{{0, 0}, {0.95`, 0}}],
    Circle[{0.95`, 0.05`},
     0.05`, {4.71238898038469`, 6.283185307179586`}],
    Line[{{1, 0.05`}, {1, 0.95`}}],
    Circle[{0.95`, 0.95`},
     0.05`, {6.283185307179586`, 7.853981633974483`}],
    Line[{{0.95`, 1}, {0.04999999999999999`, 1}}],
    Circle[{0.049999999999999996`, 0.95`},
     0.05`, {1.5707963267948968`, 3.1415926684909543`}],
    Line[{{0, 0.95`}, {0, 0}}]} // Graphics;



(*Do not evaluate if you have important files named \
tstuvwxyz.* *)

Export["tstuvwxyz.eps", r1]

Export["tstuvwxyz.pdf", r1]

Export["tstuvwxyz.dxf", r1]

Export["tstuvwxyz.png", r1, ImageSize -> 2000]


In V5.xx the rendering and exported files look fine, the edges are
smoothly joined (except the 2D dxf does not work in v5).

In 6.01 the rendering on the screen looks just fine, but if you zoom
into the eps or pdf files (and emf and wmf too) and look at the edges of
the square, then there is an ugly offset of about line thickness between
the circle and line ends that should not be there. In fact in the
hires-png and dxf the gap is not present.

Is there a workaround here, am I doing something wrong or is it a plain bug?


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