Re: listplot and legend (again)
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg80842] Re: listplot and legend (again)
- From: John Jowett <John.M.Jowett at>
- Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2007 03:40:11 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <>
Hello, I think it may be useful to give another scheme that will cover some common cases and, I think, fill a hole in the present documentation for Mathematica 6. I would say it is complementary to Thomas Muench's. I base the example on one an earlier thread between Robert Pigeon and "dh" in May this year. Needs["PlotLegends`"] (* Define two lists of points *) data1 = Table[{x, Sin[x]}, {x, 1, 5}]; data2 = Table[{x, x^Sin[x]}, {x, 1, 5}]; (* Define the style and labels for them *) style12 = { {{Red, Thick, Line[{{0.05, .7}, {0.25, .7}}]}, "Sin[x]"}, {{Blue, Thick, Line[{{0.05, .7}, {0.25, .7}}]}, "x^Sin[x]"} }; (* Make the plot without the legend *) plot12 = ListLinePlot[{data1, data2}, PlotStyle -> First /@ style12] (* Include the legend, choose its position, etc. *) ShowLegend[plot12, {style12, LegendPosition -> {.2, .3}, LegendSize -> {.62, .3}}] I find it helpful to group the style definitions and captions in the list style12 at the beginning. John Jowett On Aug 22, 10:48 am, "Muench, Thomas" <thomas.mue... at> wrote: > Hello, Arek > > When Mathematica automatically chooses colors for plotting inListPLot > or ListLinePlot, it takes colors defined in ColorData[1], in the order > defined there. That means, your first line (or set of points) is plotted > in ColorData[1,1], the second in ColorData[1,2], and so on. I don't > think that this is mentioned anywhere in the Help system. > > Once you know this, it is straight foreward to make your own legends, > with not need for the PlotLegend package. > > Here are two examples; the first one plots thelegendas part of the > Plot itself (as Epilog), the second shows thelegendas a separate > element next to the Plot. > > data = Table[RandomReal[], {4}, {5}]; > > legend= Framed@ > Column[Table[ > Style["data " <> ToString[i], ColorData[1, i], Bold, "Graphics", > 15], {i, Length[data]}]]; > > (* Example 1 *) > ListLinePlot[data, ImageSize -> 300, > Epilog -> Inset[legend, {.5, .5}]] > > (* Example 2 *) > Row[{ListLinePlot[data, ImageSize -> 300],legend}] > > Hope that helps, > Thomas > > On 8/14/07, Arkadiusz.Ma... at <Arkadiusz.Ma... at> wrote: > > Hi, > > I know that there has been at least one post on this topic but I still > can't drawlegendinsideListPlot. > > When i plot several curves, colors for them are chosen automaticaly > by Mathematica. How can I plot alegendfor them? > > May I ask for an example, please? Why quite good solution existed in > MultipleListPlot in Mathv5.2 just vanished???? > > Arek