Re: plotting equations with units
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg80863] Re: plotting equations with units
- From: John Jowett <John.M.Jowett at>
- Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2007 06:32:37 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <fbaqpi$qbs$>
Hello, I felt this need several years ago also and implemented a function which allows you to do things like PhysicalUnitsPlot[ x^2 +(10 Meter) x,{x,1 Meter,20 Foot}] PhysicalUnitsPlot[Eb^2,{Eb,.5 Nano Pascal Meter^3,5 GeV}] i.e., the range of the x-axis is specified with explicit units and the maximum and minimum can even be different provided they are of physically equivalent dimensions. The units are also included in the axis labels. I must admit, though, that since developing it I have hardly ever used this function ... You can download a version of the package containing this from: The package notebook contains examples. This is for Mathematica Version 5.2. An update for Version 6 is more or less ready but still being checked and will be available in a different form. Let me know if you would like an advance copy. John Jowett On Sep 1, 6:45 am, phillman5 <PHILLM... at> wrote: > If you have loaded the units package and have used units in your > equations, is there an easy way to plot the equations? For the y data > you can easily divide by the 'units' to get a unitless number > > Plot[eq/units,{x, start,end}] > > but what about the x values? If they have units, the plot functions > croaks. I suppose you can always make a table and use listplot, but > there should be an easier way. I have seen some people here with > packages to download, is there a consensus on the best third part > solution. I'd like a universal solution that would work with other > plotting functions too. > > I am using version 6.