Formula simplify for Solve
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg80881] Formula simplify for Solve
- From: "Lea Rebanks" <lrebanks at>
- Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2007 02:30:07 -0400 (EDT)
Formula simplify for Solve PB2=(A[[2]]*D)+(A[[3]]*B[[1]]+A[[5]]*D)+(A[[3]]*B[[1]]+A[[2]]*B[[2]]+A[[1]]* D)+(A[[2]]*B[[1]]+A[[3]]*B[[6]]+A[[2]]*B[[3]]+A[[1]]*D)+(A[[5]]*B[[1]]+A[[4] ]*B[[7]]+A[[3]]*B[[3]]+A[[2]]*B[[4]]+A[[1]]*D) Hi there, Please look at the above math statement. I want to incorporate very long statements into long formulas & then solve for D - is there anyway of abbreviating the above statement to a simple letter(s) like PB2 & then be able to still solve for D? I am sure you can - please show me how with Mathematia example. BTW - I am using version on a PC Many thanks for your attention. Mr.Lea Rebanks.