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Re: How to compile this module?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg80982] Re: [mg80882] How to compile this module?
  • From: DrMajorBob <drmajorbob at>
  • Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2007 05:42:19 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <26506823.1188992308374.JavaMail.root@m35>
  • Reply-to: drmajorbob at

The "myM" function returns "res" as the result but doesn't set it in any 
way, so it couldn't possibly work on lst = {1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15,  
1000} or any other list. Ditto for "myC". If your code doesn't work and 

you haven't told us what it's supposed to do, so how can anyone correct it  
for you?

That said, there are some obvious problems with your Compile statement. 
Since the first argument is a list, you have to declare this to  
Mathematica, something like

Compile[{{lst, _Integer, 1}, {W, _Integer}},
  Module[{i, j = 1, len = Length@lst, s, res},
   Reap[For[i = 1, i <= len, i++,
     While[lst[[j]] - lst[[i]] <= W && j < len, j++];
     Sow[j - i]]; res]], {{res, _Integer, 4}}]

But Compile won't allow every possible Mathematica expression. I doubt  
that Reap and Sow will qualify, for instance. (And you still haven't given  
"res" a value.)


On Wed, 05 Sep 2007 01:41:12 -0500, P_ter <peter_van_summeren at>  

> Hello,
> I have some code in a Module and I would like to compile it so that  
> Mathematica does not give complaints in execution:
> myM[lst_, W_] := Module [ {i, j = 1, len = Length@lst, res},
>   Reap[For[i = 1, i <= len, i++,
>     While[lst[[j]] - lst[[i]] <= W && j < len, j++];
>     Sow[j - i]]; res]
>   ]
> It works on this special constructed list (with a large number at the 
> end):
> lst = {1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 1000};
> The following is compiled by Mathematica:
> myC = Compile[{{lst, _Integer}, {W, _Integer}},
>   Module [ {i, j = 1, len = Length@lst, s, res},
>    Reap[For[i = 1, i <= len, i++,
>        While[lst[[j]] - lst[[i]] <= W && j < len, j++];
>        Sow[j - i]]; res]
>    ], {{res, _Integer, 4}}
>   ]
> If Mathematica executes: myC[lst,2], it gives a message that the  
> argument lst at position 1 should be a machine-size integer.
> Can anyone help?
> with friendly greetings,
> P_ter


DrMajorBob at

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