[Mathematica 6.0.1] Confusing documentation on ColorData, where to get list of ColorFunctions ?
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg81002] [Mathematica 6.0.1] Confusing documentation on ColorData, where to get list of ColorFunctions ?
- From: "Nasser Abbasi" <nma at 12000.org>
- Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2007 02:11:41 -0400 (EDT)
ref/ColorData says "ColorData[] gives a list of names collections of color schemes" But When I type ColorData[] nothing really comes up. Also, in ref/ColorFunction it says (2/3 down the first page) it says " The list of possible color function names is given by ColorData["Gradients"] " I am basically looking for names of ColorFunctions that I can use with ContourPlot[....,ColorFunction->??] I'd like to get a list of such names to try them out. Something like in this example Plot3D[Sin[x*y], {x, 0, 3}, {y, 0, 3}, ColorFunction -> "BlueGreenYellow"] Thanks, Nasser
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: Confusing documentation on ColorData, where to get list of ColorFunctions ?
- From: Syd Geraghty <sydgeraghty@mac.com>
- Re: [Mathematica 6.0.1] Confusing documentation on ColorData,
- From: Murray Eisenberg <murray@math.umass.edu>
- Re: [Mathematica 6.0.1] Confusing documentation on ColorData,
- From: Carl Woll <carlw@wolfram.com>
- Re: [Mathematica 6.0.1] Confusing documentation on ColorData, where to get list of ColorFunctions ?
- From: Syd Geraghty <sydgeraghty@mac.com>
- Re: Confusing documentation on ColorData, where to get list of ColorFunctions ?