Re: Confusing documentation on ColorData, where to get list of ColorFunctions ?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg81022] Re: Confusing documentation on ColorData, where to get list of ColorFunctions ?
- From: mcmcclure at
- Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2007 03:51:07 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <fbqqht$787$>
On Sep 7, 2:19 am, "Nasser Abbasi" <n... at> wrote: > ref/ColorData says > "ColorData[] gives a list of names > collections of color schemes" > But When I type ColorData[] nothing > really comes up. I get: {Gradients, Indexed, Named, Physical} Each of these specifies a collection of color shemes. ColorData["Gradients"] yields a list of strings, one of which is BlueGreenYellow. ColorData[s], where s is a string yields a function that returns a color directive when fed a number in [0,1]. As a convenience, the Plot commands allow you to specify the color using a string, rather than the whole color function. Suppose we'd like to see the color schemes. Let's check the properties available to the ColorData function. ColorData["Properties"] yields a list of possible properties. One of these is "Image". If we try ColorData["BlueGreenYellow", "Image"] we get a color strip for the scheme. We can generate a list of labeled color strips for all the Gradients color schemes using: Labeled[ColorData[#, "Image"], #] & /@ ColorData["Gradients"] It should be noted that the *Data functions follow certain conventions. Thus, *Data["Properties"] yields a list of properties for that Data function. Mark