How to invert a function
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg81120] How to invert a function
- From: Teodoro <jwheeler51 at>
- Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 06:24:59 -0400 (EDT)
Hi, this is my first post ro the Mathematica group, so, please be patient ... The problem I'm trying to solve is a little bit more complex, but anyway I was able to reproduce the unwanted behaviour using a "toy" example. As far as I understand the fragment of code m = 7.984136668700428`*^-14; p = 38.64734299516908`; n = 9.185777`*^-7; q = 7.729468599033817`; r = -9.18579746734159`*^-7; f[y_] = m Exp[p y]; g[x_] := Solve[f[y] == x, y] h[x_] := y /. g[x] allows me to get y as a function of x. To check that h[x] is indeed the inverse of f[y] (you already know the solution !) one can run Evaluate[f[h[z]]] Evaluate[h[f[z]]] for any value of z you get again z: z -> h[z] -> f[h[z]=z z -> f[z] -> h[f[z]=z or Plot[Evaluate[h[x]], {x, 1, 20}, PlotRange -> {Full}] and get a straight line. However, when I try to invert f[y_] = m Exp[p y]+n Exp[q y]+r I get some result, but the result is WRONG ! In another system I get the correct behaviour, even with more complex functions ... I can guess that somewhere in the answers I can get the one I need, but the Forum is so immense ! Thanks Teodoro