Re: Changing Textbook.nb to label equations
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg81245] Re: Changing Textbook.nb to label equations
- From: chuck009 <dmilioto at>
- Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2007 03:37:40 -0400 (EDT)
Hello guys. Not as bad as I thought: First I created my own private Textbook style sheet. Then I overrode the definitions for "Section" and "EquationNumbered" as follows. Note in the CounterFormat I specify "BookChapterNumber.Section.EquationNumbered" and in the CellFrameLabels I add a CounterBox for BookChapterNumber, Section, and EquationNumbered: Cell[StyleData["Section"], TaggingRules:>{ "CounterSettings" -> { "CounterFormat" -> {"BookChapterNumber", ".", "Section",".", "EquationNumbered"}, "CounterTarget" -> "Cell", "XRefPrefix" -> "Section"}}, CounterIncrements->{ "Section", "SectionHeader", "SubsectionHeader", "SubsubsectionHeader", "SubsubsubsectionHeader"}, CounterAssignments->{{"Subsection", 0}, {"Subsubsection", 0}, {"Subsubsubsection", 0},{"EquationNumbered", 0}} ] Cell[StyleData["EquationNumbered"], TaggingRules:>{ "CounterSettings" -> { "CounterFormat" -> {"BookChapterNumber", ".","Section",".", "EquationNumbered"}, "CounterTarget" -> "Cell", "XRefPrefix" -> "Equation"}}, CellHorizontalScrolling->True, CellFrameLabels->{{None, Cell[ TextData[{"(", CounterBox["BookChapterNumber"], ".",CounterBox["Section"],".", CounterBox["EquationNumbered"], ")"}]]}, {None, None}}, DefaultFormatType->DefaultInputFormatType, InputAutoReplacements->{}, CounterIncrements->"EquationNumbered" ]