Is RealTime3D back?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg81270] Is RealTime3D back?
- From: e m <emiliomartinserrano at>
- Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 00:38:50 -0400 (EDT)
Hi, In the following, the last Plot3D sentence (In[29]) works fine in Matemática V5 (except if RealTime3D is loaded, in which case Plot3D in -IN[29]- does not work either). Surprisingly, in version 6.01, the Plot3D does not work either this case. It seems to mean that the implicit RealTime3D final version is, doubtlessly, part of the new V6 frontend. In fact it always was part of the front end, as Jan Peers Kuska pointrd out in one of his post a few years ago! Nonetheless, it retains some of its cove?experimental bugs? that it has been carrying over six versions: 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 5.0, 5.1 and 5.2. Definitely, RealTime3D lingers behind the new V6 frontend and it is not bugs-free yet. As per me, I do not believe Wolfram did not know about it. This is a bit more than annoying. Maybe I am wrong, I wish I was, so I would appreciate any help in getting all my pictures plotted and rotated. Let us tray, this example: UtilityFunct = .5* Log[x]+ .5* Log[y] mu = Maximize[UtilityFunct, {x,y}] {xmax,ymax} =Thread[ ReplaceAll[{x,y},Last[mu]]] xmin = ymin = $MinMachineNumber (* any other small number close to zero will do *) ContourPlot[UtilityFunct,{x,xmin,xmax},{y,ymin, ymax}, Contours->300] Plot3D[UtilityFunct,{x,xmin,xmax},{y,ymin, ymax}, BoxRatios ->{1,1,1}] And you will see what happens.You get just nothing. Besides, the dynamic graphics oriented features take, as arule, massive amounts of resources to work. I wonder if a medium or even small size (real) problem could be handled by a typical desktop with 3.6 GH processor and 2 GB RAM. I wonder if all this information should have been provided when the V6 was launched. Tray for example Plot3D[UtilityFunct,{x,1,5},{y,1,5}, BoxRatios-> {1,1,1},Mesh ->300], The picture, simply, does not rotate. Again, RealTime3D is lingering behind? It sounds as if V6 were an interim version as v3 was. Am I wrong? It is however true that the new V6 features are really impresive. Kind regards E. Martin-Serrano