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Re: Defining a Play[] function for Drawbar Organ Emulation

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg87162] Re: Defining a Play[] function for Drawbar Organ Emulation
  • From: Jean-Marc Gulliet <jeanmarc.gulliet at>
  • Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2008 05:58:34 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • References: <fsvebo$sot$>

brtubb at wrote:

> Although I have no problem PLOTing such a function as this, I cannot
> get it to work with the Play[] function. Can anyone help? This is
> based on the 11-drawbar organ stops used on some hammond organs (such
> as the X-66 model) which I am trying to emulate for additive synthesis
> output in a future Demonstration Project (I am using Mathematica 6).
> ElevenDrawbars[f_, d_String] :=
>  Module[{d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9, d10, h10, d11, h11, z},
>   d = StringTake[d, {1}] <> StringTake[d, {2}] <> StringTake[d, {4}]


> In[30]:= ElevenDrawbars[440, "00 8845 041 00"]
> During evaluation of In[30]:= Set::setraw: Cannot assign to raw \
> object 00 8845 041 00. >>


What Mathematica is telling you is that one cannot change the value of a 
string, "AA" = "BB" is illegal (as well as meaningless). The string 
parameter d, therefore, cannot be modified by the first *Set* statement 
of your code: use another name for it, like dd in the following example.

ElevenDrawbars[f_, d_String] :=
  Module[{dd, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9, d10, h10, d11, h11,
    z}, dd =
    StringTake[d, {1}] <> StringTake[d, {2}] <> StringTake[d, {4}] <>
     StringTake[d, {5}] <> StringTake[d, {6}] <> StringTake[d, {7}] <>
     StringTake[d, {9}] <> StringTake[d, {10}] <> StringTake[d, {11}] <>
      StringTake[d, {13}] <> StringTake[d, {14}];
   d1 = ToExpression[StringTake[dd, {1}]];
   d2 = ToExpression[StringTake[dd, {2}]];
   d3 = ToExpression[StringTake[dd, {3}]];
   d4 = ToExpression[StringTake[dd, {4}]];
   d5 = ToExpression[StringTake[dd, {5}]];
   d6 = ToExpression[StringTake[dd, {6}]];
   d7 = ToExpression[StringTake[dd, {7}]];
   d8 = ToExpression[StringTake[dd, {8}]];
   d9 = ToExpression[StringTake[dd, {9}]];
   d10 = ToExpression[StringTake[dd, {10}]]; h10 = d11/2;
   d11 = ToExpression[StringTake[dd, {11}]]; h11 = d11/2;
   z = N[2 Pi];
   Play[d1 Sin[1/2 f x z] + d2 Sin[3/2 f x z] + d3 Sin[f x z] +
     d4 Sin[2 f x z] + d5 Sin[3 f x z] + d6 Sin[4 f x z] +
     d7 Sin[5 f x z] + d8 Sin[6 f x z] + d9 Sin[8 f x z] +
     d10 Sin[7 f x z] + h10 Sin[9 f x z] + d11 Sin[10 f x z] +
     h11 Sin[12 f x z], {x, 0, z}, SampleDepth -> 16,
    SampleRate -> 44100]]

ElevenDrawbars[440, "00 8845 041 00"]

[... sound player deleted ...]

-- Jean-Marc

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