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What determines #1 and #2 values (with &) for ContourLabels?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg87269] What determines #1 and #2 values (with &) for ContourLabels?
  • From: mr.pajenn at
  • Date: Sun, 6 Apr 2008 06:42:16 -0400 (EDT)

Here's the example of a ContourPlot:

{i = 0, j = 0};

ContourPlot[{x == 4 + y/4, y == 2 + x/2}, {x, 0, 10}, {y, 0, 10},
 ContourLabels -> (Text[#3, {val1[i += 1] = #1, val2[j += 1] = #2}]

Print[{val1[1], val2[1], val1[2], val2[2]}]

The output is a basic plot with two lines, and I've set it to record
and print the values of  #1 and #2 arguments, which are:
val1[1] =  6.4857
val2[1] = 9.9429
val1[2] = 0.095238
val2[2] = 2.0476

I'd like to know where those values came from so that I can apply the
#1 and #2 arguments intelligibly.

Thanks in advance.

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