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Re: What is @@@?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg87295] Re: What is @@@?
  • From: Albert Retey <awnl at>
  • Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2008 05:14:58 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <ft2au1$ph5$> <fta9ln$e9p$>

AES wrote:
> In article <ft2au1$ph5$1 at>,
>  "Kevin J. McCann" <Kevin.McCann at> wrote:
>> I have seen several references to the command @@@ in this newsgroup, but 
>> a query of the online Documentation Center just refers me to Apply (@@). 
>> What does it do and where can I read about it?
> More broadly:
> *  Do all the _non-alphabetical_ commands (or symbols, or operators, or 
> abbreviations, or whatever is their proper appellation) like  "/.",  
> "//.",  "->",  "=>",  "@",  etc, etc, etc, have a unique appellation _as 
> a class_?

what would a class be within mathematica? There is a symbol related to 
each of them...

> *  Does each of these non-alphabetical constructs also have a unique 
> individual name?


> *  Suppose one wanted to get a complete (complete!) list of all of these 
> non-alphabetical constructs, their names, and maybe a brief description 
> of their meaning, to use maybe as a reference list, a crib sheet, or 
> just to see which of them one hasn't learned yet.  Where would one go?

I don't know. What I usually do is to write a short expression that does 
not evaluated (if in doubt wrap it with Hold) and look at it's input 
form, e.g.:

InputForm[ f @@@ x ]

which gives you the full name of the corresponding symbol which you then 
can look up in the documentation. Of course in some cases like @@@ you 
will need to either read the corresponding page or at least search it 
for the string @@@ to find the explanation...



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