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Re: a workaround for large EPS files from ContourPlot

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg87445] Re: a workaround for large EPS files from ContourPlot
  • From: "mikelito at" <mikelito at>
  • Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 01:40:21 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <fti3ub$ogo$> <ftkb7q$aa5$>

whoops! is seems I should have googled more and programmed less :-)
amyway, I am glad to see that others this mesh thing a bad regression
in math 6. these are the thinks keeping me away from closed-source
software, too bad that os mathematica alternatives don't quite compare
yet to the original.

sorry for the statusbar dependece, it is a package of my own to show
progress in the status bar. I changed the debug option to display
progress as print statements, but I forgot the dependence in the

given your numbers, I think your package is the way to go... the size
of the EPS was the same? you also mention artefacts in some cases, can
you provide some example to test against? I will download your package
and see if I can help in solving those.

best regards

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