Re: EdgeRenderingFunction to produce edge labels in GraphPlot
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg87670] Re: [mg87549] EdgeRenderingFunction to produce edge labels in GraphPlot
- From: Carl Woll <carlw at>
- Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 05:52:56 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <>
Murray Eisenberg wrote: >But... > >(1) The first method you suggest -- to use SetEdgeLabels to build the >labels into the Graph object -- does not seem to allow the option >Method->None in GraphPlot: > > g=Cycle[3]; > g=SetEdgeLabels[g,{"a","b","c"}]; > GraphPLot[g,Method->None] > >This produces a GraphPlot::mthd error saying that None is not a >permissible method. Why not? I do NOT want GraphPlot to relocate the >vertices in the plane drawing, but to maintain their location; that's >the purpose of Method->None, after all. Method->Automatic moves >vertices and creates an unpleasnt skewing of the eges away from their >original positions. (This becomes more evident with more complicated >graphs, e.g., those having horizontal or vertical egdes.) > > I don't know anything about Method->None. If you want to use my first method and maintain the vertex locations, then you need to include that information in the call to GraphPlot. Here is a function that creates the usual rule structure that GraphPlot expects from a Combinatorica graph (with vertex and edge labels): torules[Graph[edges_, vertices_, ___]] := Module[ {vrules}, vrules = DeleteCases[ Thread[Range[Length[vertices]] -> (VertexLabel /. vertices[[All,2 ;;]])], _ -> VertexLabel ]; Replace[ Transpose[{Rule @@@ (edges[[All,1]] /. vrules), EdgeLabel /. edges[[All,2 ;;]]}], {a_, EdgeLabel} -> a, {1} ] ] Here is a function that extracts coordinates from a Combinatorica graph: getcoords[Graph[edges_, vertices_, ___]] := Thread[Rule[Range[Length[vertices]], vertices[[All, 1]]]] So, let's create a graph with edge and vertex labels: g = SetEdgeLabels[SetVertexLabels[Cycle[3], {a, b, c}], {x, y, z}]; Now, we'll use GraphPlot to view the graph: GraphPlot[torules[g], EdgeLabeling->True, VertexLabeling->True, VertexCoordinateRules->getcoords[g]] >(2) My graphs are UNdirected. I don't readily see how to adapt the >second method -- using an EdgeRenderingFunction building upon an >edgeLabelFunction -- to undirected graphs. > >Am I missing something "obvious" here with method (2)? > > If you don't want to use Directed graphs, you'll just need to have your edgeLabelFunction create the same label for both directions, i.e., {1,2} and {2,1}. This is because GraphPlot will try to give labels to both 1->2 and 2->1 if the graph is undirected. Here is an example: g = Cycle[3]; labels = Characters["abc"]; edgeLabelFunction[{u_, v_}] := labels[[First@Flatten@Position[Edges[Cycle[3]], {u, v} | {v, u}]]] GraphPlot[g, EdgeRenderingFunction -> ({RGBColor[0.5, 0, 0], Arrowheads[{{0.5, 0.5, Graphics[{Black, Inset[Style[edgeLabelFunction[#2]], {0, 0}, ImageScaled[{0.5, 0.5}], Automatic, None, Background -> White]}]}}], Arrow[#1]} &)] Carl Woll Wolfram Research > > > >>Murray Eisenberg wrote: >> >> >> >>>I'm having trouble fathoming from the documentation how >>>EdgeRenderingFunction works. In a display produced by GraphPlot, >>>applied to a graph that's a Graph object created with Combinatorica, I >>>want to be able to put distinct labels on the edges. >>> >>>For example, take something very simple: >>> >>> g = Cycle[3]; >>> >>>I'd like to put labels "a", "b", "c" on the three {1,2}, {2,3}, {3,1}, >>>respectively. >>> >>>Here's what I tried finally: >>> >>> labels = Characters["abc"]; >>> edgeLabelFunction[{u_, v_}] := >>> labels[[First@Flatten@Position[Edges[Cycle[3]], {u, v}]]] >>> >>> offset={0.05,0.05}; (* to move labels away from edges *) >>> >>> GraphPlot[g, Method -> None, >>> EdgeRenderingFunction -> ({ >>> Line[#1], >>> Inset[edgeLabelFunction[#2], Mean[#1] + offset] >>> ]} &) >>> ] >>> >>>This does not work. How, exactly, do I index into the list of edges... >>> >>> Edges[g] >>> {{1,2},{2,3},{1,3}} >>> >>>.. so as to select the labels. From the reference page on >>>EdgeRenderingFunction, it seems to me that argument #2 is supposed to be >>>the length 2 list {u,v} of vertices with which the edge is incident. >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>It seems that GraphPlot conversions of Combinatorica graphs with edge >>labels isn't working. Otherwise you could use the Combinatorica function >>SetEdgeLabels on the graph and then display using EdgeLabeling->True. >> >>One possibility is to manipulate the Graph object produced by >>Combinatorica into a form suitable for GraphPlot. Here is an example: >> >>g = SetEdgeLabels[Cycle[3], {a, b, c}]; >>g = Replace[First@g, {{a_, b_}, opts___} :> (If[MatchQ[#, EdgeLabel], a >>-> b, {a -> b, #}] &[EdgeLabel /. {opts}]), {1}]; >> >>GraphPlot[g, EdgeLabeling -> True] >> >>The alternative as you tried to do, is to add the edge labels using >>EdgeRenderingFunction >> >>First, here's a close facsimile to the default EdgeRenderingFunction: >> >>EdgeRenderingFunction -> ({ >> RGBColor[0.5, 0, 0], >> Arrowheads[{{0.5, 0.5, Graphics[{Black, Inset[Style[#3], {0, 0}, >>ImageScaled[{0.5, 0.5}], Automatic, None, Background -> White]}]}, >>{0.03, 0.8}}], >> Arrow[#1] >>}&) >> >>Now, it's best if the Combinatorica graph is directed (otherwise >>GraphPlot will try to label it in both directions). So, >> >>g = Cycle[3, Type -> Directed]; >> >>labels = Characters["abc"]; >>edgeLabelFunction[{u_, v_}] := >>labels[[First@Flatten@Position[Edges[Cycle[3, Type -> Directed]], {u, v}]]] >> >>GraphPlot[g, EdgeRenderingFunction -> ({RGBColor[0.5, 0, 0], >> Arrowheads[{{0.5, 0.5, >> Graphics[{Black, Inset[Style[edgeLabelFunction[#2]], {0, 0}, >>ImageScaled[{0.5, 0.5}], Automatic, None, >> Background -> White]}]}, {0.03, 0.8}}], Arrow[#1]} &)] >> >>Carl Woll >>Wolfram Research >> >> >> > > > >
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: Re: EdgeRenderingFunction to produce edge
- From: Murray Eisenberg <>
- Re: Re: EdgeRenderingFunction to produce edge