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Re: Re: Print[Plot] vs Print[text,Plot]? (*now Do and Table*)

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg88148] Re: [mg88123] Re: Print[Plot] vs Print[text,Plot]? (*now Do and Table*)
  • From: DrMajorBob <drmajorbob at>
  • Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2008 03:44:34 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <fupm2j$s4a$> <23471145.1209164553253.JavaMail.root@m08>
  • Reply-to: drmajorbob at

I get similar results, and yes, that IS disappointing.

Timing[icount = 0;
  Do[icount += i, {i, 1, 10^7, 1}];

{12.8702, 50000005000000}

Timing[icount = 0;
  Do[icount = icount + i, {i, 1, 10^7, 1}];

{8.98683, 50000005000000}



I almost never use Do, however, so I'm not sure how much I care about this  


On Fri, 25 Apr 2008 04:29:58 -0500, Alexey Popkov <popkov at> wrote:

> And I was surprised much more when I have tried the more simple form
> of the first expression:
> Timing[icount = 0;
>  Do[icount += i, {i, 1, 10000000, 1}];
>  icount]
> (*this returns
> {36.042, 50000005000000}
> on my machine*)
> It means that using the "+=" operator takes about 50% more time than
> the usual form
> icount = icount + i;
> It is sad and very surprising!
> On 24 =C1=D0=D2, 14:06, "W_Craig Carter" <ccar... at> wrote :
>> On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 3:09 PM, AES <sieg... at> wrote:
>> > > Table is usually a better choice than Do, but that is a choice and  
>> the
>> > > language is accommodating enough to allow you to make that choice ;  
>> and
>> > > if you should be curious, to explore.
>> > Thanks for comments.
>> > _Why_ (or, in what circumstances?) would Table be a better choice  
>> tha
> n Do?
>> > =9AI appreciate that their logical behavior is similar, and indeed  
>> they > can be
>> > coded very similarly.
>> Dear AES,
>> I am happy to try to answer.
>> I'll take the time to answer at length, because I find that many
>> people that I try to help out have similar viewpoints as yours.
>> Perhaps, I may have something useful to contribute.
>> Primarily, it is a matter of choice and familiarity. =9AAnd they (Table
>> and Do) are just about interchangeable, except in a few unusual (and
>> technical) cases. =9ATable's advantage is speed and efficiency. (Once I
>> asked someone at Wolfram how I should explain this to my students, and
>> the kind answer was because "Do" has to access the =9Amain kernel's
>> evaluation loop, and "Table" doesn't).
>> =9AI'll try to demonstrate this as an example. I'll try to explain my
>> steps carefully, and I'll avoid the use of #&/.^= syntax. =9AIt took me
>> a while to cook this up--I hope that my example doesn't go amiss.
>> This is problem with a known simple result, but it will serve: let's
>> find the sum of the first 10000000 integers.
>> (*let's use a do loop*)
>> Timing[
>> =9Aicount = 0;
>> =9ADo[icount = icount + i, {i, 1, 10000000, 1}];
>> =9Aicount
>> =9A]
>> (*this returns {10.2826, 50000005000000} on my machine.*)
>> (*10.28 being a measure of how long the computation took to run*)
>> (*lets try a table*)
>> Timing[
>> =9ATotal[Table[i, {i, 1, 10000000, 1}]]
>> =9A]
>> (*This returns {3.25516, 50000005000000} on my machine*)
>> This is a simple example, but it illustrates the difference nicely. (
>> Personally, I've yet to
>> find a case for which I can replace a Do with a Table or similar list
>> construct, although I am sure readers of this group could easily
>> construct one as a challenge.)
>> Another way to think of this is that Mathematica is very good at
>> operating on lists. =9ATable and Lists work together nicely, and many of
>> the functions like Total are designed to help you make your
>> programming easier.
>> Now, if you put yourself =9Ain the mind of a beginner who has neither
>> seen Do, For, While, or Table. Which style would you recommend based
>> on speed alone? =9AWhich style would you recommend on readability alone?
>> So, a typical beginning user might find themselves tending to use
>> Lists. =9AThey are content for a couple years, but soon master the idea
>> so that begin to do what is natural, abbreviate (ASAP, RJ46, LOL,
>> AWOL, PM. FM...). =9AThey find shortcuts and optimize their time:
>> First attempt may be something like this:
>> (*create a list*)
>> Table[i,{i,1,10000000}]
>> (*horrors, the output is too long, and I know what it might look like 
>> anyw=
> ay*)
>> (*they graduate to this*)
>> mytable= Table[i,{i,1,1000000}];
>> Total[mytable]
>> (* soon they get tired of typing and find an abbreviated version *)
>> Total[Table[i,{i,1,1000000}]]
>> (* soon they get tired of moving around the screen to type the two  
>> bracket=
> s,*)
>> (* so they find another way to do the same thing, no better, arguably
>> less readable
>> (*at first*)
>> Total@Total[Table[i,{i,1,1000000}]
>> (*or, depending on where your cursor tends to be sitting*)
>> Table[i, {i, 1, 1000000}] // Total
>> (*thus they learn a semaphore for analogous constructs*)
>> (*but there's more, with ever more symbols, the efficiency and power 
>> goes*=
> )
>> (*up rapidly, but the readability goes down for beginners*)
>> (*where you find the happy medium is entirely up to you*)
>> In my opinion, this is the fun part of mathematica. I get to decide
>> how to share the labor with mathematica, and I get to decide how
>> obscure to make my code. =9ASometimes, for my own pleasure, I write it
>> as obscurely as possible (and I am no master at this by a long shot).
>> If I am writing code that I hope someone else will use and modify, or
>> learn from, I try to write as readable as possible.
>> --
>> W. Craig Carter


DrMajorBob at

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