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Re: Re: OpenerView (with cells?)

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg88233] Re: [mg88155] Re: OpenerView (with cells?)
  • From: "Thomas Dowling" <thomasgdowling at>
  • Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 06:48:41 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <fus8d0$82k$> <>


One other point possible worth making is that a similar effect can be
achieved by selecting
Mathematica Preferences -> Interface -> Show Open/Close Icons for Cell
Groups (on a Mac System).  The OpenViewer icon
(side-triangle) then appears with the leading cell of all grouped cells in a

Tom Dowling

On Sat, Apr 26, 2008 at 8:45 AM, David Park <djmpark at> wrote:

> Put a regular Sectional header in your notebook. Use Ctrl-Shift-E to open
> up
> the underlying expression. Then add to the cell the option
> ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon->True.
> Then, as soon as you have another cell in the section the little triangle
> will show and you can use it to open and close the section.
> These open/close icons are a very nice thing to have and I don't
> understand
> why they are not present on any of the standard style sheets. This may
> seem
> like a small thing but some people don't know about the double-clicking on
> the brackets, and other people just don't like it. I have a style sheet at
> my web site that does have these icons on all sectional groupings - but
> not
> on anything else. This is similar to the style sheet that comes with
> Presentations.
> This brings up a related question. It would be nice to have some kind of
> 'BoxSection' that could contain Text cells and Input/Output cells, but
> which
> other sections could 'flow around' just like boxes in textbooks or
> sidebars
> in magazine articles. Right now, if you try to use a subsection, close it
> up, and then enter a Text cell after it, the Text cell gets captured by
> the
> subsection. You can descend in the sectional hierarchy, but you can't get
> back up without actually starting a new higher level section. You can't
> 'flow around'. It is probably not easy for WRI to implement this.
> Right now for Presentations I've developed (but haven't included yet)
> something called Sidebars that solves this problem. The idea is to have
> Sidebar notebooks that are completely contained within a principal
> notebook
> but display as separate notebook windows. One first uses a MakeSidebar
> command to bring up a notebook window with a specified name. One can then
> add any desired information to the sidebar notebooks or change its style
> sheet just as with an ordinary notebook. But the sidebar notebook is not
> savable in the usual manner. Instead, in the principal notebook you can
> use
> a SaveSidebar command. This creates an initialization Input statement in
> the
> principal notebook that contains the sidebar notebook, but in skeleton
> form
> of display. The Sidebars are completely embedded in the principal
> notebook.
> Then there is a SidebarButton command that creates a distinctive button
> that
> will launch the Sidebar notebook. A reader can then bring up the Sidebars,
> read them, evaluate them and even do their own calculations in them, and
> then close them when finished. Sidebars are a very effective method to
> provide additional information without disrupting the flow of some
> argument,
> derivation or proof in a notebook.
> --
> David Park
> djmpark at
> <>
> "J. McKenzie Alexander" <jalex at> wrote in message
> news:fus8d0$82k$1 at
> > In the Mathematica documentation viewer, it looks as though sections
> > and subsection headers are implemented using an OpenerView that can
> > contain cells. At least when you click on the disclosure triangle next
> > to sections like "Examples", "More Information", "Options", and so on,
> > the view reveals a number of input, output, and text cells.
> >
> > How are those section headers implemented?  An ordinary OpenerView, as
> > far as I can tell, cannot contain cells (although you can fake it a
> > little bit using DisplayForm).  I looked at the cell expression for
> > one using Show Expression but what I found was just a reference to a
> > stylesheet:
> >
> > Cell[TextData[{
> >  "Basic Examples",
> >  "  ",
> >  Cell["(4)", "ExampleCount"]
> > }], "ExampleSection",
> >  CellID->454094506]
> >
> > Any ideas on how that effect is achieved? I'd like to use something
> > similar in my own notebooks.
> >
> > Many thanks,
> >
> > Jason
> >
> > --
> > Dr. J. McKenzie Alexander
> > Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method
> > London School of Economics and Political Science
> > Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE
> >

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