Piecewise function involving matrices
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg91223] Piecewise function involving matrices
- From: kaveh <kavehkh at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2008 07:50:12 -0400 (EDT)
Hi, I am trying to define a piecewise matrix function of time with Mathematica that I later want to use to transform another matrix as a function of time and integrate it. To make it simple I have In[163]:= A={{1,.1},{.1,-1}}; In[171]:= H0={{0,b},{b,0}}; In[172]:= F[t_]:=Piecewise[{{exp[-I t] A,0<t<1},{exp[+I t] A,1<t<2}}] In[173]:= F[0.1] Out[173]= {{exp[-0.1 \[ImaginaryI]],0.1 exp[-0.1 \[ImaginaryI]]},{0.1 exp[-0.1 \[ImaginaryI]],-exp[-0.1 \[ImaginaryI]]}} In[181]:= H[t_]:= Inverse[F[t]].H0.F[t]+H0.H0 In[182]:= H[0.4] Out[182]= {{0.19802 b+b^2,-0.980198 b},{-0.980198 b,-0.19802 b+b^2}} The problem is that when I evaluate H[t] for a given number, it returns the right value but if t is a symbol Mathematica naturally leaves it as unevaluated. This by itself is nice, however when I want to integrate H[t], I run into problems. Say In[183]:= Integrate[H[x],{x,0,1}] Out[183]= {{{{0.00990099 (20. b+101. b^2),0.00990099 (-99. b+101. b^2)}, {0.00990099 (-99. b+101. b^2),0.00990099 (-20. b+101. b^2)}},{{0.19802 b,-0.980198 b},{-0.980198 b,-0.19802 b}}},{{{0.19802 b,-0.980198 b}, {-0.980198 b,-0.19802 b}},{{0.00990099 (20. b+101. b^2),0.00990099 (-99. b+101. b^2)},{0.00990099 (-99. b+101. b^2),0.00990099 (-20. b +101. b^2)}}}} Notice that the output is not a 2x2 matrix but has dimensions {2,2,2,2}! Same with: In[186]:= Integrate[H[x][[1,1]],{x,0,1}] Out[186]= {{0.00990099 (20. b+101. b^2),0.00990099 (-99. b+101. b^2)}, {0.00990099 (-99. b+101. b^2),0.00990099 (-20. b+101. b^2)}} which should be just a number but is a 2x2 matrix! Obviously there is something wrong with the treatment of piecewise as an array instead of a flat thing. Any ideas or neat ways of not resorting to step functions?