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Re: Help with StyleSheets

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg91245] Re: Help with StyleSheets
  • From: Norbert Marxer <marxer at>
  • Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 06:06:49 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <g7br2u$mu7$>

On 6 Aug., 11:32, "Stephen" <unavaila... at> wrote:
>  I'm working with Mathematica 6, and I'm having trouble working with
> StyleSheets.  What I'm looking to do is to change the formatting of the
> "Input" style.
> Here's what I did:
> 1.  Open a new Notebook.
> 2.  Format > Edit StyleSheet
> 3.  Choose a Style to Modify > Input
> 4.  Make sure the Input cell is selected and go to:  Format > Font
> 5.  Make the appropriate changes.
>  After I did that, the appropriate sections in the Untitled-1 notebook
> changed to reflect the size and bold/normal status, but that's it.  The=
> itself didn't change.
>  What did I miss?
> Stephen

Hello Stephen

I am not an expert for Style Sheets. But I hope the following comments
will help you.


A) The style input (which is defined in Core.nb) has the option
FormatType (which is set to InputForm) and the option
DefaultFormatType (which is set to DefaultInputFormatType)

B) The style InputForm (which is defined in Core.nb; see the Format
Type Styles at "Styles for Mathematica System-specific Elements") sets
the option FontFamily to "Courier".

C) The default setting of the FormatType for input cells in the
Mathematica FrontEnd is StandardForm. Use the menu item "Edit /
Preferences / Evaluation / Format type of new input cells" to change

To change the FontFamily option for input cells, you can do (e.g.) the

A) Open the private stylesheet definitions (using the menu item
"Format / Edit Sylesheet")

B) Modify the style "Input" to e.g.
     Cell[StyleData["Input"], DefaultFormatType->InputForm]

C) Modify the style "InputForm" to e.g.
     Cell[StyleData["InputForm"],FontFamily->"Times New Roman"]

You could also use the StandardForm in the following way:
     Cell[StyleData["Input"], DefaultFormatType->StandardForm]
     Cell[StyleData["StandardForm"],FontFamily->"Times New Roman"]

But this would modify the style for input, output, graphics ... cells.

Best Regards
Norbert Marxer

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