Re: Mathematica 7 is now available
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg94077] Re: Mathematica 7 is now available
- From: Jon Harrop <jon at>
- Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2008 07:15:22 -0500 (EST)
- References: <gg62p3$56g$>
Alexei Boulbitch wrote: > Dear MatheGroup members, > > I would like to put a trivial though an important question to you. For > some time I try to find problems to be best solved* using Mathematica, and > where parallel computing would be necessary. So far I did not succeed in > finding them. This tells me that I do not understand something > important... Parallelism is used when performance is important. In general, Mathematica is used when performance is largely unimportant. Consequently, they are almost mutually exclusive. For example, you would need to parallelize the following Mathematica program perfectly across 700,000 CPU cores to obtain performance comparable to the equivalent OCaml program: delta = Sqrt[$MachineEpsilon]; RaySphere[o_, d_, c_, r_] := Block[{v, b, disc, t1, t2}, v = c - o; b = v.d; disc = Sqrt[b^2 - v.v + r^2]; t2 = b + disc; If[Im[disc] != 0 || t2 <= 0, \[Infinity], t1 = b - disc; If[t1 > 0, t1, t2]] ] Intersect[o_, d_][{lambda_, n_}, Sphere[c_, r_]] := Block[{lambda2 = RaySphere[o, d, c, r]}, If[lambda2 >= lambda, {lambda, n}, {lambda2, Normalize[o + lambda2 d - c]}] ] Intersect[o_, d_][{lambda_, n_}, Bound[c_, r_, s_]] := Block[{lambda2 = RaySphere[o, d, c, r]}, If[lambda2 >= lambda, {lambda, n}, Fold[Intersect[o, d], {lambda, n}, s]] ] neglight = N@Normalize[{1, 3, -2}]; nohit = {\[Infinity], {0, 0, 0}}; RayTrace[o_, d_, scene_] := Block[{lambda, n, g, p}, {lambda, n} = Intersect[o, d][nohit, scene]; If[lambda == \[Infinity], 0, g = n.neglight; If[g <= 0, 0, {lambda, n} = Intersect[o + lambda d + delta n, neglight][nohit, scene]; If[lambda < \[Infinity], 0, g]]] ] Create[level_, c_, r_] := Block[{obj = Sphere[c, r]}, If[level == 1, obj, Block[{a = 3*r/Sqrt[12], Aux}, Aux[x1_, z1_] := Create[level - 1, c + {x1, a, z1}, 0.5 r]; Bound[c, 3 r, {obj, Aux[-a, -a], Aux[a, -a], Aux[-a, a], Aux[a, a]}]]]] scene = Create[1, {0, -1, 4}, 1]; Main[level_, n_, ss_] := Block[{scene = Create[level, {0, -1, 4}, 1]}, Table[ Sum[ RayTrace[{0, 0, 0}, N@Normalize[{(x + s/ss/ss)/n - 1/2, (y + Mod[s, ss]/ss)/n - 1/2, 1}], scene], {s, 0, ss^2 - 1}]/ss^2, {y, 0, n - 1}, {x, 0, n - 1}]] AbsoluteTiming[Export["image.pgm", Graphics@Raster@Main[9, 512, 4]]] -- Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.